
The week of hell....

Subbing today at the high school, AP Statistics and Calculus. Have I ever taken those classes? Um, no. A lot of help I'll be! *ha ha* Therefore, I'll be studying for Economics and Sales Management today.

Finals week always stresses me out. Although it's not really stress, it's more just nerves. Sales Management isn't really grating me on that bad, Economics on the other hand is scaring the crap out of me. My professor said that the final will come from our two tests, which he gave back to us), so I've been studying those tests like crazy. I even made flash cards. I need to pay attention to the calculations. If anything, that's what's going to get me.

I went to the mall yesterday to pick up a few goodies, including myself. I have a weird obsession with sweaters. In the winter, guaranteed I almost always have a sweater on. Love them. Anyway, I got some yummy gift cards and then while I was there I had a birthday coupon for 25% off at New York and Company (one of my favorite stores), so of course I had to go in and see what I could find. I got a gorgeous turquoise/light blue sweater and a black one. You can never have too many black sweaters.

While I was at the mall I saw this guy, he was maybe in his 30's or early 40's with a BOWL cut. Serisouly, what self respecting adult wear's his hair like that? Maybe that's cool, if you're like 9 years old, but any older than that is....unacceptable. Okay, that's the end of my rant.

Off to school.....enjoy your day!