
Workin Girl

Whew! Who works 40 hour weeks? Seriously. This stuff is for the birds.

Since I'm off school for a few weeks I decided to pick up a few extra shifts at the hospital. I worked Monday and Tuesday. I also work today and Saturday. Whew! It'll be a nice check though, let me tell ya.

I also got cleared to take my EMT written exam. I'm scheduled to take it on August 7th (next Thursday) at 5:15. Once I pass that, then I'm going to start looking for a job at an ambulance service. I love the ER, don't get me wrong, but driving to Norman is killing me in gas. Whew.

Brian is off on Friday too, so we're going to try to do something fun. *yay*


The Wedding...

As promised, here's a picture of us at the wedding. Check out my smokin' hot hair 'do. Yup, awesome isn't it?

But seriously, the wedding was nice. Very sweet. Brian looked like a total stud.

Sorry Kim, I wasn't about to get a standing up picture of the two of us. They took pictures from table to table and this was as good as I could get.

Tomorrow we're going to see Step Brothers with Will Ferrell and John C. Reily. I also talked him into going antiquing with me. What a lucky girl I am, right?!?!


Brian's best friend is getting married today. We've known about this for months. However, he never mentioned anything to me about going. Brian is the best man. I just figured that he'd be busy with best man stuff and I wouldn't have anyone to sit with, so I never really for my feelings hurt that he didnt' ask me to go with him. So, like a typical man waiting until the last minute, on Thursday night Brian says, "Will you go to Jeff's wedding with me?"
Woah. Woah. Wait a minute here. You mean, I only have a day and a half to get ready for this thing? After my EMT practical yesterday, I came home and crashed. (I'm still voiceless, by the way) Around 5, I finally decided to seek some medical attention and I booked it to Mercy After Hours. They diagnosed me with severe laryngitis. I got a shot of Decadron (steroid) in the hip and put on aintibiotics. I'm feeling better, but my voice is still pretty much non-existant.
Then I dragged my mom to the mall with me to find something to wear. I got these black dress capris and a slack satin top. It's SO pretty. Love it. I made a hair appointment this afternoon and got a cut and style. So, now I'm looking extra hot! *lol*
I can't wait to see Brian all dressed up in his tux tonight. Awww! Expect pictures soon!




I'd love to party tonight, but I've been sick all week and this morning I woke up with NO voice. Seriously. As you can imagine, getting through all of my practical today sucked since I have to verbalize pretty much everything. I even had one evaluator try to fail me because he couldn't hear me. Yea, that got taken care of VERY quickly. I pitched a fit about that and you know what? I won.


on my mind....

Just popping in here for a quick little hello before the big test tomorrow.

My mind is racing 100 miles an hour with information....apnea, using the AED, splinting, inserting airway adjuncts, suction, medical assessment, trauma assessment, backboarding patients, compression ratios, assessing pulse motor and sensory functions. Whew!

Anyway, I'm nervous/excited about it and I'm just ready to be done with it all. Ha ha.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Hopefully I'll have some exciting news to share with you soon!


It's about that time...

This week is a stressful one, that's for sure. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. I'm taking my National Registry Skills Test on Friday. Whew! BVM, AED, Spinal Immobilization, Rapid Trauma Assessment, Medical Assessment, Oropharyngeal Airway Adjunct, Nasopharyngeal Airway Adjunct, Suction and Splinting.....oh lordy!

Which means....there probably won't be an update until Friday. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous. I passed my hardest test with an 83 (only my 2nd B of the semester, I've gotten A's on everything else!)

The good news is that my Sugar Booger, Brian, will be running a testing station (not sure which one yet) so that makes me a little less nervous. Hopefully he can help me calm my nerves. Although, I might just see him and completely panic....let's hope not.

In other news, I'm doing a big fun Swap with Joy from The Vintage Rabbit and I am so excited! Joy is such a dear and I can't wait to send her some treasures I've found for her!

Enjoy the week!



Does anyone do swaps?

I'm seriously in the mood for some swap-ness. I go antiquing all the time and find wonderful treasures and I'm curious....what do YOU find?

Anyone up for a little swap fun?

Get beck at me if you are....


Why So Serious?

Brian and I saw The Dark Knight this afternoon. Holy cow! It was SOOO good. I want to see it again. We loved every minute of it. Go see it, seiously, you won't regret it.
Brian also passed his Paramedic practical skills test this afternoon. I'm so proud of that boy! I take my EMT sills test next Friday and I'm scared out of my mind. Ha ha. He's helping me study for it this week.
Haven't had much time to do anything online or crafty lately. Hopefully that will change after I pass my test. I'm looking forward to 4 weeks of me-time before heading into Paramedic Care 1 this fall.
But for now I'm loving...
1. Princess Lasertron - http://www.princesslasertron.com/
3. The Vintage Rabbit - http://thevintagerabbit.typepad.com/
Check those out and enjoy!



I got free tickets for Frontier City at work a few weeks ago. So, Brian and I decided to go on Tuesday afternoon. We had an alright time. I remember that place being way more fun when I was in high school and I worked there. A lot of the rides were closed, but we had an alright time.

I think we were only at the park for around 2 hours. Then we decided to go see Hancock. I haven't seen a Will Smith movie in forever. I'd give it a 5/10. It had a few good parts, but it wasn't anything award winning.
My friend Kara and I went to see one of our favorite bands, 2am, play last night at the Route 66 Road House. We had a great time and we can't wait to see 2am again!
Brian, on the other hand, went out with the guys last night for a Bachelor party.
We went apartment hunting all day yesterday. We looked all over the city, Moore and Norman. We found a few really nice ones. I think we're having a movie night tonight. Yay!
This Friday (18th) he's taking his skills test for his Paramedic license. Then we're going to see Batman! *yay!*
That's pretty much it. Nothing else new around these parts. Have a nice weekend!


EMS kids (part deux)

Took a few more pictures of my friends from class.

This beauty is my friend, Val. She's the funniest chick I know. And her kiddos, fun as hell. We were hanging out one afternoon and her 3 year old, Jonathan says, "Momma, can I have a douche bag?" and Val says, "He means, juice bag". Then she hamds him a Capri Sun (yum!) and he walks into the living room. Too funny! So now we call people we don't like "juice bags".

The boys. Well, 6 of them at least, the 2 on the left are Joe, Matt and Dustin. Then the middle two are Jason and Tyler and Jeremy is on the right with his back facing us.
Brittni on her phone and my best guy friend in the class, Kurtis. Isn't he just a doll? He's so sweet.

We learned how to deliver babies this week, so if you're pregnant, I can officially deliver your child, should you need my services. Ha ha. Let's just hope I don't have to do that for a while!


Who said school had to be boring? Even Paramedic students like to play dress-up!

These are "the girls". Val, Me, Brittni and Paula. We keep those 9 boys in line, that's for sure.

Check out my sweet open tib/fib fracture. Sweet, huh?

Another one of Tyler and Kurtis.


You're a Grand Ol' Flag

Happy 4th of July!

Are you doing anything fun for the 4th? No big plans around here, we're going to a party tonight at a friend's house. My sister and her friends may come over. Not sure really.

Have I mentioned that 4th of July is my favorite holiday? It seriously is. I love it SO much. BBQ, potato salas, deviled eggs, watermelon, ice cream sandwich dessert, fireworks, it's the best.

School is still great. I made an A on my last test. I've got another one to take on Monday over cardio, shocking patients, strokes, etc.

We triaged each other this past week. We brought out the moulage and fake wounds and dressed up and then had to "treat" eachother. Fun stuff, let me tell ya.

Curtis and Tyler. Curtis obviously has a laceration to the face and temple area and an evulsion in the abdomen. Tyler, on the other hand, has an arm injury.
Val has a broken clavicle and Brittni has 3rd degree burns to her arm, chest and hand. These girls are the BEST. We have such a good time together. Speaking of class, we toured our new building yesterday. Holy cow! It is SO nice. There is an ambulance in the building that we'll use to practice loading patients in and out of. We have a new EMS lab and ADL lab, classrooms, offices, etc. We'll share the building with PTA and OTA students. The nursing students are taking over our old labs and classrooms. It's going to be a nice change and I can't wait to start classes in the new building in August. So excited!