
Thanks for the sweet comments on the new blog design. I'm totally in love with it now. I want to spend all afternoon playing with flickr looking for new images, but alas, time will not allow that today.

I worked at the hospital last night. Lord! Some people really are that stupid. Geez! Words can't describe the stupid stuff I've seen. With that said, let me offer up a few tips of advice before you visit your local emergency room (trust me, you'll thank me later)

1. Stay in your bed. I really don't want to see you wandering the halls with your "best side" exposed.
2. If you press the call button, you better need something. "Just wanting to say hi" or "Just wanting to see how this thing works" is not an excuse and may result in me coming in there and breaking off your fingers.
3. You can not diagnose yourself no matter how many episodes of "Trauma: Life in the ER, Grey's Anatomy or E.R" you've seen.
4. You are not in the only person in the ER. News flash!!! There are people sicker than you are.

Alright, I have to head back to work at the hospital....6 more hours.


Anonymous said...

You're weird.