
Mother knows best....

Yup, my mom was right. It's the flu. Eeewww! Gross. Someone grab the Lysol and disinfect anything I've touched lately!

I spent yesterday napping and resting after my doctor's appointment. I still feel pretty bad today but I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

On another note, something really cool is in the works and I got invited to be a part of it yesterday. I need to wait a few more days before I make the big announcement, but let me just say how cool it is and how flattered I am to be a part of such a cool thing!

...Gonna go curl up back in bed now.



~Kim said...

The flu??? Bless your heart. There is nothing worse that the untreatable flu...ok, well maybe there is, but still it's no fun.

You should always listen to your momma...she knows more than you give her credit for. All moms do! You will see it that way some day! : )
