
I just need to say it...

Do you ever see something and you bite your tongue and then it just builds up and you feel like you're going to explode? I'm at that point right now. I'm going to get slack for this, I just know it, but I find it so darn irritating.

Scrappers who think that because they are "someone" in the scrapping community that they can charge outrageous prices for the stuff they sell on Etsy. I was looking at Etsy and I found something that was pretty cute and I thought about buying it. When I looked at the price, it was $70!!! for a JOURNAL! I find that absolutely ridiculous. It had a little bit of trim on the edge and an old key and pictures of birds from a vintage book.....for $70. What makes this person feel like they can charge something like that? Is it because she made it? What if I had made it and tried charging that much for it? Would anyone buy it? Probably not. The solution: Put it in perspective. Would the artist pay that much for a journal? Isn't Etsy about buying homemade at a decent price? Not screwing people who admire your work.

I'm sure this rant will ruffle some feathers (no pun intended, since it's about a bird journal). I'm just agitated that because this woman is "someone" that she feels like she can charge and arm and a leg for her stuff.

The End.


Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great!
I know that journal...

~Kim said...

Oh, I could probably cut you a deal on my journal if you really want it. Say $40?

LOL! Yeah right! Hmmm, now I'm intrigued....who is it? Just spill the beans Holly! : )

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh girlie! It's the same thing when it comes to jeans or a t-shirt or lip gloss you could pay $5 at Walgreens and some do or you could pay $70 for basically the same thing at Dillards. Who is the fool the person willing to pay that for it or the person who sold it for $25 when someone was willing to pay them $70. Not saying it's right or that everything is worth it, but it's this crazy world we live in. Okay, now people will be mad at me for leaving this comment. Opps, sorry!
You know I love ya and I do miss you. I now check out every ambulance that drives by me to see if you are behind the wheel. What area are you working in?

My turn: "I just need to say it..." I am still so stinkin' proud of you for the work you are doing and for the heart you put into it!!!!
P.S. I have no idea who's etsy store you are speaking about, but would love to find out...LOL I'm with Kim SPILL IT.