Welcome to my world. Like I've mentioned before, I've kinda been attempting to redecorate my room. I'm going for a more shabby feel. I'm wanting to get rid of this big oversized desk and simplify with a small table just big enough for my laptop and printer. I've got a shabby little bitdhouse and hot air balloon on my desk. The banner on the wall says "create". I didn't realize how messy my desk looked until I just uploaded this picture....hm...I guess I should tidy up a bit, don'tcha think? My cedar chest was a gift 5 years ago for my high school graduation. The window was made at a class I took at The Paper Crown before I started working there. It's SO yummy. The masterful Kim Haynes taught it and she is such a sweetie.
My little bed. I love haing a twin bed. It's the perfect size for me. The scroll above my window will be coming down this next week and will be replaced with a curtin/valance my mom is making. Can't wait! The quilt is a Rachel Ashwell piece from Target.
Two of my most favorite things right now. First off, I can not live without my Olay moisturizing lotion. It's a MUST have! My hands have been so terribly dry lately. Next is my gorgeous pink Razr. It's never far from me. I love the pale pink color too!
Some good reads. I'm writing a paper about dating, marriage and relationships in the 19th century for my Western Civilization class. My professor suggested I read these books and actually, I'm quite excited about reading them. (That's so nerdy isn't it?)
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