In addition to working at the Paper Crown this afternoon, I recently found out that I'll be working in the ER tonight. Let's just hope that I don't get stuck with the crazies tonight. I'll be looking extra spooky in my black scrubs and black thermal shirt (since it's chilly)!
I'm so sad that I don't get to see the Trick-or-Treaters. :-(
Hopefully I won't have any gruesome stories to share about my Halloween in the ER. Did you guys see Grey's last Thursday? The chainsaw guy?!?! *shudders* That's so gross!
Change of plans...
by Holly at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Happy Haunting!
Don't you just looooove Halloween? Seriously, I do! I loved it as a kid, I always had the BEST costumes becuase my mom is an amazing seamstress. Let's see, I was a clown, a tube of toothpaste (I won every costume contest that year) I was a doctor, Pocahantis, a princess, a 50's girl. SO much fun dressing up for a night!
Now that I'm older I still love Halloween and I love passing out cnady and seeing all the kiddos in their darling little costumes. Skunks, Princesses, Woody, Snow White, Tinkerbell, and a Monkey just to name a few that I know will be visiting my house this year. I plan on taking pictures of them all!
I could really go for a pumpkin cookie right about now and a mug of cider. Yum!
Keeping with the holiday theme, I changed my blog around. I found the picture of the 3 darling pumpkins of Flicker and I forgot who it belonged to, so if it's yours, I'm sorry! Email me and I'll give you all the credit. I'm madly in love with white pumpkins this year! There's just something about them that I'm loving!
by Holly at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Oh Happy Day!
I'm baaa-ck! I didn't really go anywhere, but I've been busy this past week! I worked in the ER almost every evening last week, had family in town, school, advisement, enrollment, blah, blah.
But I'm back now so that's all that counts, right? I'm working at The Paper Crown every afternoon this week and *gasp* I'm teaching a class! It's a layout class. You'll complete 6 12x12 layouts using some of the yummiest paper. It's been a while since I've done a class...I hope I've still got it.
On another note, today is my parent's anniversary! So, happy anniversary Mom & Dad!!! This is an old picture from last Christmas, but it's my favorite picture of the two of them. They've been married 26 or 27 years....I can't remember. Aren't they so stinkin cute?
by Holly at 5:25 PM 1 comments
Bless His Heart...
Look at this poor kid. He's just the cutest little thing. Poor little guy...
by Holly at 10:32 AM 1 comments
*yawn* Morning....
Brrr. Wow. We're experiencing quite a cold front today. Brr! It's not even supposed to get up to 50 degrees today. Brr! I can't handle this cold. My hands are dry....noooooo!!! Brrrrrr!!!
Work yesterday was out of control. We were SO busy! The ER waiting room was overflowing with sick, coughing people with lots of germs and cooties. *whew* I am so glad I don't deal directly with the patients. YUCK! I have to work this afternoon from 3-5 for disaster training. I have to get it done before the end of the year...and they're doing a training today. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm getting paid to do it, so I'll quit whining about it now.
I'm hungry. I was running late today and I didn't have time to grab a fiber bar. So, now I'm hungry. I should keep a fiber bar in my car for emergencies such as this. *sigh* Once again, sorry for whining.
by Holly at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go....
I've got to work today so that means no fun for me. Boo. I'm working in the ER from 1p-7p so it's only 6 hours...not too bad. I've got lots of pictures from my little family tailgate party we had yesterday for the OU/Iowa State game. Lots of fun. Plus I hit a garage sale yesterday and found a little treasure. I'll post a picture of that if I have time to tonight.
I'm working on a research paper about marriage, divorce and property rights in 19th century Europe. I found so much great material to read for my paper. I'm at the point where I think I have almost too much material and I need to start narrowing it down which is going to be hard.
Off to work! Have a fantastic day!
by Holly at 10:21 AM 0 comments
My World
Welcome to my world. Like I've mentioned before, I've kinda been attempting to redecorate my room. I'm going for a more shabby feel. I'm wanting to get rid of this big oversized desk and simplify with a small table just big enough for my laptop and printer. I've got a shabby little bitdhouse and hot air balloon on my desk. The banner on the wall says "create". I didn't realize how messy my desk looked until I just uploaded this guess I should tidy up a bit, don'tcha think? My cedar chest was a gift 5 years ago for my high school graduation. The window was made at a class I took at The Paper Crown before I started working there. It's SO yummy. The masterful Kim Haynes taught it and she is such a sweetie.
My little bed. I love haing a twin bed. It's the perfect size for me. The scroll above my window will be coming down this next week and will be replaced with a curtin/valance my mom is making. Can't wait! The quilt is a Rachel Ashwell piece from Target.
Two of my most favorite things right now. First off, I can not live without my Olay moisturizing lotion. It's a MUST have! My hands have been so terribly dry lately. Next is my gorgeous pink Razr. It's never far from me. I love the pale pink color too!
Some good reads. I'm writing a paper about dating, marriage and relationships in the 19th century for my Western Civilization class. My professor suggested I read these books and actually, I'm quite excited about reading them. (That's so nerdy isn't it?)
by Holly at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday Ramblings
Hi there.
How's your Thursday? I'm loving this cooler weather. So nice! It's chilly in the morning and nice in the afternoons, simply delightful if you ask me.
So, I've got one person interested in a book swap. She suggested the cutest's a Vintage White Winter Wonderland Glittery Shabby Christmas. I need to get at least 2 more people and figure out the details and then we'll go ahead with it. I was thinking that everyone would get a book so each person would make 4 identical pages....sound good? Like I said, we'll work out details later.
Speaking of things I need to do....I still need to put my lampshade together from Corrine's 8 Shades of Friendship swap. It's been at least a month and I haven't even begun yet. Shame on me.
I've been doing lots of research lately on marriage and relationships in the 18th and 19th century for my Western Civilization class. Pretty interesting stuff....I'm just in the "information gathering" stage right now....pretty soon it will be the "paper writing" stage. Yikes!
Has anyone every painted a bulletin board? I have one and I started painting it tonight, Right now it looks not so good, but I'm thinking that with a few more coats of white paint it'll be decent looking. I'm excited to see how it's going to turn out. I'll definitely be posting pictures soon.
I've got another 2 hour break tomorrow between classes, so expect another update then while I'm listening to Glenn Beck streaming online. Sweetness.
My aunt and uncle are coming up tomorrow night and spending Saturday with us, we'll be watching the OU/Iowa State football game and you know I'll be cheering for my Sooners. At the age of 32, my uncle went to college and he went to Iowa State for his Vet school. He's now a kick ass veterinarian in Texas and LOVES it. Goes to show ya, you're never too old to do something if you set your mind to it.
I'm looking for a really inspiring quote to put in a frame....suggestions?
by Holly at 10:27 PM 1 comments
Gotta love wireless....
I love wireless internet on campus. It's seriously the best thing ever. I have a 2 hour break between classes (usually it's just 1 hour, but today my Human Geography professor is in Canada, so we don't have class) So, I'm sitting here listening to Glenn Beck and blogging....does it get any better than this? I think not. What would I do without my internet? I'm so glad we have wireless, that way I can look for some creative inspiration for two whole hours!!! I need to find a cute idea for a class to teach in November.
I put out the new stuff at the Paper Crown yesterday. It's SO yummy! I love it all. Doodlebug, Junkitz, Autumn Leaves, Daisy D's....*sigh* It's so delightful. I can't wait to see what I can come up with for a class.
I'm also really thinking about doing a round robin book. Anyone else interested in this? We'd have to come up with a theme, or something, but I've never done one, but I saw my friend Kim's book she did and it's pretty great. Any takers? Just email me or leave a comment....
Okay, I'm off to go blog hoppin' for some inspiration. Toodles!
by Holly at 9:52 AM 1 comments
What a weekend!
How about those Sooners? It was a pretty great game, don't ya think? I'm not gonna lie, when Mizzou was ahead 24-23 I was a bit nervous, but they pulled through and dominated yet again.
I tried to keep myself busy this weekend. Saturday was great since I worked at the store and then watched the football game. Today was harder. I ran a few errands with my mom and then I came home and cleaned my room. I'm re-deocrating in a shabby chic style. I talked to my mom and she's making me a curtain (valance?!). Not too sure what that is, window treatments are *so* not my thing. I'm hunting for a little table to use as a desk, something simple, I don't care if it has a drawer or not. Right now I have a decent sized desk (no drawers) but it holds so much stuff that I have so much junk on it now. I need to clean it up and simplify.
My aunt and uncle are coming up on Saturday. They're headed to South Dakota and Iowa to see family, so they're stopping by to spend the night and watch the OU and Nebraska football games. I'm so excited to see them. They're fab.
Off to bed....I've got class at 8:30 and then I'm working at the store from 3-6, come see me.
by Holly at 11:03 PM 0 comments
So blessed
Hello friends. I hope your Saturday is simply delicious. Mine has been pretty great, I've been working at the store all day and scrapping. *sigh* It so wonderful to be able to think about nothing but paper, buttons, adhevsives, and ribbon all day and just create. I love getting lost in the process of creating and being able to forget about school, the break up, and other stressers in my life. ART thearpy is the best!
This past week I've realied how truly blessed I am. I've got amazing friends and family who care about me. I've got classmates who help me with notes and assignments when it's just too hard to make it to school and professors who make special accommodations for you when you're having a rough day. And most importantly, I've got co-workers "sistas" who lent me a shoulder to cry on when I needed them the most. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Okay, I'm off to get a few things done around here and watch my Sooners!
by Holly at 4:27 PM 0 comments
My Sassy Friend
Today was Corrine's last day at the store and I know I'll miss her like crazy! With that said, here are a few pictures me and the famous of Sassy! We love you Corrine! Go get 'em girl!
by Holly at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Confused in Love
Waking up this morning, thinking this can't be real,
But they say there is nothing love can't heal.
Why don't you come on down so you can feel, what I feel.
Sitting all alone in this place,
Even though we're here face to face,
There is nothing gone but there's something wrong.
Can't you see, that I'm stuck here, underneath-
And you're making it hard to breathe
Take a look around and tell me what you see,
You'll find me--Underneath
I know what to say but don't know where to begin,
I fear I'm losing you beneath my skin.
Is there a solution for this pain, that I'm in
Sitting all alone in this place
Even though we're here face to face
There is nothing gone, but there's something wrong
Can't you see, that I'm stuck here, underneath-
And you're making it hard to breathe,
Take a look around and tell me what you see,
You'll find me---Underneath
If only you could feel what I dream,
Maybe you could hear what I mean,
There is nothing gone but there's something missing
I'm empty. There's something wrong. I feel distance between me and Josh. I don't know why. He says everything is fine, but I know it's not. There's something different. I spent the majority of yesterday crying and dealing with this. Love is not simple.
by Holly at 10:28 AM 1 comments
Happy Sunday!
Don't you just love Sundays? I do. It's a time to recap and reflect on the past week. My little sister turned 21 on Tuesday. Gosh! I feel so old! It's so weird to think that I'll be 23 in 2 months! When I was younger 23 was the magic number for me for some odd reason. I thought everything happened when you're 23, you get married and stuff like that. (The only reason I thought that was because two people I knew got married when they were 23, so that meant that everyone got married at 23, right?) Anyway, it's so weird to *almost* be 23 and see where my life is at this point. I'm in college, I have a fantastic boyfriend, my family is amazing, I have great friends and a good job. I really want to travel. Since I'm going to be a history/geography teacher I feel that it's important for me to see the things I'll be teaching my students about. I want to see Rome, Florence, Pompeii, Greece, and Egypt (to name a few). To see these places that have been around for thousands of years is just amazing.
Okay, enough about that, let's see some pictures from her party! We went to The Mont in Norman.
Me and Josh. Doesn't he look handsome all dressed up? My sister with her blueberry margarita. SO good! If you ever see it on the menu, get it. I promise you won't regret it.
How cute is she? Seriously?! Her roommate, Kierston, got her a Disney Princess strawberry cheesecake ice cream cake from Maggie Moo's. Can you say "yum"? (I think you can see the top of Cindarella's head in the corner)
This is our friend, Drew. He's a petroleum engineering major just like Whitney. Drew and I have Art History together and Drew's birthday was on Friday. He's too funny, his dad is the CEO of a MAJOR oil company and Drew just ordered a brand new BMW 5-series (I think that's what it's called) and he said, "I didn't tell my dad. I hope he doesn't see the $60,000 charge on the credit card bill." Must be nice, huh? *ha ha*
by Holly at 11:55 AM 2 comments
Decorating time!
I'm re-decorating my room I think. It's time to get it together. Right now my walls are not painted, and I've got crimson and sage green decorations. It's cute, but time for a change. I'm more of a shabby girl now, time to get the walls painted, and clean it up a bit. My mom makes gorgeous quilts, so I'm going to see if she'll make me a new quilt.
Give me a few weeks and we'll see where it stands.
by Holly at 2:58 PM 0 comments
I've been bitten...
by the crafting bug! FINALLY!! I've gotten out of my creative funk and I've been creating like a mad-woman! I blame it on the Melissa Francis line. It's all SO yummy!
First up, a picture frame embellished with vintage buttons and pearls. I need to put a picture in the frame, but you get the idea behind it. SO super cute.
This isn't quite done, but I'll give you a sneak peek! It's a canvas and the My Mind's Eye line. I need to dig around for my Twinkle Type letters (silver) and attach the word, HOME to the top and attach a ribbon so it can be hung.
Hello little birdie, want to come inside? This is my first ever birdhouse and like the canvas, it's not completely done yet. I have yet to embellish it, but it's going to be as cute as can be! I'm so excited to see where I go with this....
And finally, what kind of fan would I be if I didn't wish my SOONERS good luck against Texas tomorrow? (Beevo sandwich, anyone?) BOOMER SOONER!!!
by Holly at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Guess Who
Guess who I'm going to see tonight? Hanson!!! I've loved them since I was 13, they were my first ever "band crush". I've seen them play live more times than I can remember, and every time I leave a show, I seem to love them more. It's been about 2 years since I saw them last and I can't wait for the show tonight. My friend Kara and I met at a Hanson concert and became fast friends. We go to every concert together. So, when I get done with class this afternoon, we're heading to Tulsa!
Expect pictures, a review and maybe a video clip tomorrow!
**EDITED 4:20pm** Bad news, the concert has been cancelled "due to an illness". *sigh* I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
by Holly at 10:04 AM 2 comments