's the Doodlebug house.... Let my just say how sorely dissappointed I am in this. The adhesive strips on this house do not hold. Notice the roof top coming away from the base. One half of the wall kept coming apart too. I worked for about 2 hours on this house last night, cutting the template, cutting paper, reading directions, folding, adhering, re-reading the directions. It was a big let down. *Hence the face of pure dissappointment* I went to bed a very sad girl....
Fast forward to this morning.....I'm snuggling with my puppy on the couch and I her my dad say, "So, your house turned out pretty good" I replied with, "It's too early for sarcasm dad" and he had it in his hand. HE FIXED IT after I went to bed. Isn't that the sweetest thing ever?!?!
Look at that! The roof is on properly and the walls are sturdy!!!
My dad is the best!!!!! Thanks for fixing my house dad!
Awe, what an awesome Dad! I knew it had it in him to be a scrapbooker! If he can do that to a house, imagine what he could do with some pictures and a flat piece of paper!! GO SCOTT!!!
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