Is anyone else doing Ali's "A Week in the Life" challenge? You basically just capture your week, with handwritten notes, pictures and daily "stuff". I've got a lot up my sleeve today, so hopefully I'll get some good stuff to use. I'm not fully participating, just taking her idea for the challenge and putting my own little twist on it. This should be fun.
I'm spending all day with Brian and I'm SO excited. We're going to the movies, Norman, and then Monday Night Football and adult beverages with his friends from the ambulance service. Should be buckets of fun. Yes, I just said buckets of fun.
Speaking of fun, Kim told me about this great little swap and I'm hoping I can get in on it. Wouldn't that be a trip?
Happy Monday.
Now it's time to hop in the shower....
A Week In The Life
by Holly at 10:18 AM 1 comments
Getting Excited
Good morning.
Another Sunday....I'm trying to enjoy the free time that I have now for crafting, cooking and sleeping in. Because all of this will change in a week when I start my new job at the ambulance service. I'll be in their Academy for about a month learning their protocols, mega codes, mapping, geography, driving, posts, etc. Then I'll be assigned to a FTO (field training officer) to ride out with for another month. I'll take calls with them, work their schedule with them and be the 3rd person on their truck. From what I hear I'll be able to perfect my driving skills, first by driving WITH a patient to the hospital code 1 (for you non-EMS people, code 1 is no lights, no sirens). After I do that a few times, they'll let me drive TO the call Code 3 (with lights and sirens). Finally I'll drive TO the hospital WITH a patient Code 3 (usually for Full Arrests/Respiratory arrest, major trauma, etc). In addition to the drivng, I'll do patient care on-scene (stay-and-play) and assist my paramedics in the truck until it's time to go.
I'm getting more and more excited each day, I've even got a count-down going (7 more days!!!) I've got my gear (trauma shears, stethoscope, pen light) all ready to go. My shoes look great, although I think I need to get some more black socks. I've been brushing up on my skills and making sure I know them by heart.
That's all for now, I need to go be crafty again, because once I start the new job, I'm expecting it all to come to a screeching hault.
by Holly at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Super Saturday
Made a few more cards last night. This is a smaller version of the birthday card for my sister. The inside is the same as hers, the monkey stamp that says, "Happy B-day". A tag I made with another monkey stamp. What is it with me and these monkeys? I will never know....
These cards are oh-so-simple, however I'm going to color them in with colored pencils. I'm interested to see how they'll turn out. I like 'em though.
On Friday night I went out with my friends Val and Brittni. I haven't seen them since my EMT class this summer. It was great having a girls' night and catching up.
What's for dinner tonight? Err, well, last night....I gave my attempt at making indian tacos... Yup, just like at the Fair. I made home made fry bread, chili, shreaded up some lettuce, diced tomatoes from the garden, chopped onion, and grated cheese. Finish it up with some home made salda and I'm in heaven! These little monsters were HUGE. Seriously. I made it through about 1/3 of mine before I threw in the towel....err....napkin. It was a feeble attempt, but the Indian Taco got the best of me and came out victorious.
by Holly at 9:53 AM 0 comments
More cards!
Made a few more cards today. This one is for my sister, her birthday is on Thursday. I just LOVE this paper. The sock moneys are flocked on their mouths, hands and feet with white fuzz. SO super cute. Inside of Whitney's card.
From the same paper line, the owl card. I love owls right now.
by Holly at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Cutest little thing...
Brian's friend Matt is taking his EMt test soon. So, in honor of this accomplishment, I already made his "Congratulatoions on Passing" card. See that ambulance? Yup, I made it. I'm quite proud of this little beauty.
And, no, I'm not going for a Christmas theme. Those are just the colors of the amblance service that Matt works for.
See the lights? Yup, glittered. And the window? Plastic!
by Holly at 9:18 PM 0 comments
So what? I am a rock star
I'm currently loving P!nk's "So What". Google it. Listen to it on Youtube. It's great.
I'm in a funk lately. I'm not sure how to get out of it, that's the problem. I think Brian and I need to have a talk. I feel like I'm coming in second place. He had the past 5 days off and I saw him once in the past 5 days. We were supposed to go to Tulsa this past weekend, but we didn't. I saw him for about 6 hours on Saturday evening/night. But, he's been spending a lot of time with his friend, Matt playing video games. I really want to say something, but I'm a really non-confrontational person. I don't want him to feel cornered or pressured.
But....I'm not happy. I don't feel like my needs are being met. I am a girl. I require some attention (as most girlfriends do). I've never dated someone who didn't always want to see me or spend time with me. I sometimes feel like he doesn't really care if he gets to see me. But when we are together, we have a great time.
Our work plays a big part in our relationship. He works evenings from 3:30-midnight and has Mondays and every other weekend off. For the next month I'll be in the EMS Academy daily from 8:00-5:00. So, we'll pretty much have Monday evenings and weekends to get to see each other. I knew this though when we started dating. That's one of the evils that comes with dating someone else who works in the emergency field. However, I love how we get to share details of our days and we understand how EMS works.
Today is his last day off and we're going to see "Burn After Reading" tonight.
Maybe then, we can have a little heart to heart.
Wish me luck.
by Holly at 5:24 PM 0 comments
And I can't live, I can't live another day without you....
Kara and I went to the fair on Friday night to see our favorite band, Hanson. They played a show out there as part of their "Walk Around the World" tour. We have been to every show Hanson played in Oklahoma for the past 10 years! We always have so much fun, and this time was no different.
by Holly at 10:37 AM 1 comments
Nothing says "I Care" quite like a....
Card! Right? I spent most of the day today making cards. Ahh, it feels so nice to be crafting again. It's been entirely too long. The best part about making cards is that I'm not pressured to do any journaling with photos.
by Holly at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Who's That Lady?
It's me! It's me!
Check out that new 'do. Like it? It's not that different, but still. It's sleeker, flatter, less....poufy. Is poufy a word? Anyway, it's just barely touching the top of my shoulders. I'm loving it. I took these in the kitchen. Yup, I'm in my apron, being all Pioneer Woman-ish.
by Holly at 10:11 PM 1 comments
Wake me up before you go go....
I almost forgot! Lately I've been addicted to bubble baths. I take one every night before I go to bed (and then I take a shower again in the morning). I'm one of those weird people. I love love relaxing and soaking in the hot water. Brian makes fun of my bubble baths all the time. Really? Do you need a bath? But you just took a shower this morning. Have you honestly gotten dirty throughout the day? Well, no. But there's just something about hopping in the tub after a long day. Bubble baths make me happy, and it would be in your best interest to keep your girlfriend happy, don'tcha think buddy?
by Holly at 11:58 AM 1 comments
For this one night
As promised, here are the layouts I made last night. Like I said, I got a lot done. I guess that's the point of crops. No kids, boyfriends, tv, phone ringing to get your distracted. *ha ha*
More from American Idols Live! These are of David Cook.
I love these pictures of me and Brian at the OU game last weekend. Journaling will go in the upper left corner. I decided to be non-traditional and use turquoise, pink, red and green for the layout instead of crimson and cream. I figured that there was enough of that in the pictures. My new job as an EMT is very important to me. So, I decided it was deserving of a layout. Here I have pictures of my license, my EMT friends and the Paramedic action figure I made for Brian along with my EMT patch and some journaling.
by Holly at 9:30 PM 1 comments
Some Scrappin' Fun
Last night Kim and I went to a crop at Just 4 Keeps. We had a great time! There were tons of talented ladies there, each working on their projects, chatting, laughing an eating Oreo cake (mmm! It looked so good!)
Kim worked on baby shower invitations and, let me tell you, they are precious. I focused on my pictures since I haven't had time to scrap in what seems like forever. I was so productive. I made 8 layouts! I'll post pictures later this afternoon, so make sure you check back.
I'm in the mood to get my hair colored. I seriously need it. I'm thinking about going darker. We'll see.
by Holly at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Oh Happy Day
Had a great day today with my friend Kim. We met up at The Rink Gallery for some "junkin" and found a few treasures. I got a wooden letter "H" and the number "4". I also found some vintage buttons on old button cards. I even got my sugar booger a little present. When I told him that I was going antiquing today he said, "What are you going to get me?". Oooohhhh, ask and you shall receive my friend. I had to find something obnoxious for him. I got him a porcelain bunny rabbit that has a flower petal on its head and I told Kim, "I can't wait to watch him pretend to like this!"
We ran up north for lunch. Nikkolette's! TO DIE FOR. I got their Michaelangelo sandwich, smoked turkey, peppered bacon, lettuce, tomato, honey mustard and plum mustard on foccacia bread. SOOO yummy. We decided to be naughty girls and get dessert too, I had a brownie. MMM! It was a fantastic lunch.
I had to run my the ambulance service and drop off my driver's license so they could make copies of it. Kim watched the monitor showing where all of the ambulances were in the city. It's pretty sweet.
Finally we went to Brian's house. I wanted Kim to meet him, since she hasn't met him yet. Plus, I wanted to see his face when I gave him such a silly gift. He was completely gracious though, "Oh. Wow. This is......*pause*.......great." ha ha ha ha ha. He's such a cutie.
That's pretty much it for my exciting day. I had a great time with Kim. She's so fun. We're cropping tomorrow night, so exprect some pictures!
by Holly at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Remember how I've been working out to lift the 85lbs for my physical before I could start my new job? Well, I did it!
I went to th physical therapist's office this morning and lifted the weight and I passed this time. SO excited about that. So, I'm officially in the academy for October. Yay!
I didn't substitute teach today and I'm not planning on subbing tomorrow. Kim and I are going to have a Girl's Day. Lunch and then hitting some garage sales. Sounda like my kind of day, right? Hopefully we can find some treasures.
I seriously can't believe I lifted the weight. I'm still in awe about it. This time next month I'll be running mega codes, learning protocols, driving and mapping. Whew. It's going to be quite an undertaking, but I know I can do it.
Happy Thursday!
by Holly at 2:37 PM 1 comments
What's new Pussycat? Woah woah woah.
I've stil been substitute teaching. Some days are gret and others are just "blah". Last week I spent 2 days at the middle school and 1 day at the high school. This week I've been at the middle school again and yesterday I was back at the high school again. Today.....2nd grade. Let me just say this, I love kids. Really I do. However, I do not particularly enjoy an army of 25 2nd graders. Not my idea of fun exactly. Luckily, this is just a half day (11:30-2:45) so I'm sure I'll survive.
I've still been working out like crazy training to do my lifting for the new job. I have to lift 85lbs 48" high. Last night I did it! Finally! And not only that, but I did it not 1, not 2, but 3 times! Woo hoo!
by Holly at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Sooner Nation
Friday night my Sassy friend, Corrine called me while Brian and I were at Wal-Mart picking up goodies to take to Jessica's for Couple's Night with her and Chris. She offered me her tickets to OU's game against Cincinnati. We didn't have anythin planned, so we were happy to use the tickets for her. (Thanks Corrine! You are such a sweetie pie!)
Brian and I had a great time! We parked about a mile away and walked to the stadium and chatted about how great the game was going to be. It was a beautiful day. Mid 80's and a nice breeze.
Here we are in the stadium. Do we look excited? Go Sooners! About 45 minutes until kickoff. Players warming up on the field and cheerleaders jumping around.
So excited. Yay!
Right after OU's first touchdown 2 minutes into the game. I looove that big OU flag.
Check out that new scoreboard. And look at that sea of crimson and cream!
by Holly at 7:53 PM 1 comments
I survived my first day of substitute teaching. Let's just say Special Education is not for me. I have a new found respect for those teachers. I, for one, enjoy my personal space. I had kids climbing on me, and touching me ALL day long. Not my kind of thing.
Gonna go work out tonight. It's chilly and cold (darn you Gustav)!!!
by Holly at 3:25 PM 0 comments
So...tomorrow I start substitute teaching again. Well, for a month before I start my EMT job. I'm a little excited and a little nervous, kind of like the first day of school all over again. Except this time I'm the boss and not the one getting bossed. Ha ha ha.
I've already ransacked my closet looking for the "perfect" outfit. Something that doesn't scream "grown up" but nothing too low cut and revealing either, gotta keep it G rated. I decided on jeans, a brown tank top, and a cream colored cardigan with my brown flip flops. I'll probably wear my hairup in a loose clip and accessorize with turquoise jewelry. Yea, that sounds good.
Brian is already giving me hell about the cardigan. "A cardigan? Really? That's about as sexy as Mr. Rogers". Yes, I believe those were his exact words. Honey, I'm working with middle school kids tomorrow, I'm not supposed to be sexy. Silly boy.
The weightlifting is coming along slowly. I filled my milk crate with 85lbs of rocks this evening and attempted to lift it. Whew! Talk about a feat. I gave it several attempts but finally broke down in tears. I have to do this. I have to. Brian has been really supportive and is my own personal cheerleader (minus the pom poms and short skirt) always encouraging me. He's such a sweetie. That's why I keep him around.
Well, that and his mad Nintendo Wii skills.
by Holly at 9:54 PM 0 comments
A day with my Sugar Booger
Brian came over today and it was so nice to see him. We hung out here for a while and then headed to Mustang so he could meet my best friend, Jessica. We hung out at her place for a little bit and then went to Wal-Mart so he could get some energy drinks for work tonight.
But wait, Brian doesn't work on Mondays....
Well, tonight he does. His co-worker, Stephanie, called and wanted to trade shifts with him. He's work the night shift (12a-8a) and he'd give her his Friday evening shift (4p-12a). He was unsure about it to begin with, but after some coaxing from me he decided to do it. Heck, that means he'd have a 4 day weekend!! (Off on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday). Once I pointed that out, he decided that switching would be a grand idea. See Brian, you need me, admit it. Poor guy will get off at 8am and have to be at work again at 4pm, but the station where he is working tomorrow is the least busy and he'll either run no calls or 1 at the most, so he can snooze most of the shift anyway.
I'm currently addicted to watching "Diners Drive Ins and Dives" on the Food Network. I love it. It's so cool to see the quality food that is in little dive restaurants today. Just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by its cover.
Gonna go to bed now. Maybe I can catch a little nap before Brian calls on his way to work.
by Holly at 9:13 PM 0 comments