Happy 4th of July!

Are you doing anything fun for the 4th? No big plans around here, we're going to a party tonight at a friend's house. My sister and her friends may come over. Not sure really.
Have I mentioned that 4th of July is my favorite holiday? It seriously is. I love it SO much. BBQ, potato salas, deviled eggs, watermelon, ice cream sandwich dessert, fireworks, it's the best.
School is still great. I made an A on my last test. I've got another one to take on Monday over cardio, shocking patients, strokes, etc.
We triaged each other this past week. We brought out the moulage and fake wounds and dressed up and then had to "treat" eachother. Fun stuff, let me tell ya.
Curtis and Tyler. Curtis obviously has a laceration to the face and temple area and an evulsion in the abdomen. Tyler, on the other hand, has an arm injury.

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