
On My Mind

What's on your mind today?

I'm enjoying my day off. I got called in to work last night from 4p-10p in the Fast Track area. Fast Track is the non-urgent part of the emergency room. It operates like an urgent care clinic. Kinda cool. It was a nice change from the usual hustle and bustle of the ER.

Don't you just hate it when you get your hair done and you can't ever make it look as good as it did when you left the salon? I'm experiencing that feeling now. I can't make it look like Michelle did! *grumpy face!*

I've got a clinical tomorrow on the ambulance. I have to be at the station at 7am! Hello! Do you know how long it's been since I've seen 7am? Yea, neither do I. Hopefully we'll be busy and get some good calls. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Brian and I are going to see Kung Fu Panda sometime this weekend I think. And, on Tuesday, we're going to Tulsa to see Sevendust play at Cain's Ballroom. I have no idea who they are, but I got Brian tickets for his birthday, so it should be fun. I'm looking forward to the long drive up there. We'll see how we do on a mini road trip together. Ha ha.

Have a great weekend!