Don't you just want to gobble this cute jar up? I found it for $6! The corks were 10 cents each and I think they look so darling together. I'm loving it, for sure.

I officially survived midterms! Whew! Time to relax a bit, huh? I'm so excited to have them out of the way. Now it's just officially one week until spring break. I'm just a little bit excited, can you tell? Unfortunately, I don't have any spring break plans. Instead I've picked up several shifts at the hospital, so maybe I can make some extra $$ over the break and I want to make lots of cute things! I need to finish my "Let Them Eat Cake" art from Everyday is a Holiday. I've been meaning to finish it for some time, so that's definitely on my to-do list this week.
Sweet little jar! Where did you find her?? Hope to chat with you soon girlie!
those corks look delish!
Congrats on surviving midterms! :)
That jar is looks adorable and what a deal!
You have been tagged. Hope you play along...come see my blog for details.
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