My newest creation! Isn't it lover-ly? It's going to chronicle my day. The cards represent times. Under the cards it's going to have a mini-timeline of sorts. The other side is going to have pictures of things I use everyday on it, or thing I do during that time frame. I used the new Basic Grey Scarlet Letter line and I'm madely in love with it! SO cool. I love the grey, red, black, pink, green and brown. It's delightful. I also added a silver Twinkle Type "H" on it.
Can't wait to see it once it's all finished!!!
Kim and I ran to Norman and goofed around for a while. She's the best and we had this amazing brownie treat with vanilla ice cream and brandy on it. SO good! Warm chocolatey goodness melting in your mouth (and burning your tongue), but well worth it. :-)
I'm subbing 11th grade English tomorrow. Heck yes! I love working at the high school.
I started on my map for my European history class, but I'm having a few problems. My cute friend Quentin offered to help me with it. He's a doll. *giggles* He's wonderful and SO smart and good at history....right up my alley.
I still have so much to do, so I can't make any promises about posts this week. I've got an article review to do for my Oklahoma history class and a test in that class, a math project and a math quiz and numerous other things. But on a brighter note, the week after is SPRING BREAK! I know I can use that time to make some delightful goodies.
Hello Holly...
Just found your blog, such fun. Gotta love OU football! I'm a Holly too and I live in Tuttle, OK! Small world, huh?! Check out my blog when you have a chance. I'll be back to see what you're up to. Love your page with your friends baby, so sweet.
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