Hello hello!
It's been busy busy around here. I've got 6 papers/projects/reviews/experiments due by April 7th. Goodness!
Did I go to Math at all this week? Um, no. I'm a terrible person. I need to take notes over the days I missed.
I've got a book review for European History. I chose "Nations and Nationalism". It's got about 149 pages, but I feel like the book is written way over my head. It'll be one of those books that I need to take notes over as I read it.
I also have a test in European History two weeks from today. I need to set up a time to have a study group with Quentin and Desiree and we can start working on the study guide.
Child Psychology test on Tuesday the 3rd. I need to type up my half of the study guide and email it to Cindy. (We split the study guide in half, so we wouldn't have to do it all by ourselves)
I have an experiment to do for Child Psych too. We have to get a 5 year old kid and a 10 year old kid and have them answer some questions about perception. *If you have a 5 or 10 year old kid I can borrow, let me know*
Oklahoma History. Where do I begin. I have an article review due pretty soon. Most of the articles are online, however, this particular book I need is only available in the library. I've NEVER been to the library at UCO. Isn't that sad?
Lots to do!
Oh so busy!
by Holly at 6:26 PM 1 comments
Kiss My Ice
I had advanced screening tickets to see "Blades of Glory" tonight. Will Ferrell and Jon Heder are hilarious! It's a very funny movie, Jessica and I loved it.
I'm subbing 9th grade English tomorrow. I really like the 9th-12th graders. They're my favorites. I'm just hoping I have a well behaved class tomorrow. I hate it when mean Miss Westin to come out. She's not pretty. Are you scared yet?
I'm pretty much obsessed with biscotti. It's SO good. It's been my breakfast for the past 3 days. Mmm, chocolate hazelnut is my favorite. Yummmm....
Must go to bed now. Today was a long day of school. I got a lot done, but man...I'm in need of some sleep.
Peace out.
by Holly at 8:47 PM 0 comments
It's Monday. I did nothing (once again). Tried to get a Dr's appt, they can't see me until next Wednesday. That doesn't do me much good now, does it? My mom also makde me an appointment with the allergy doctor for May 7th. Damn! I could die between now and then. Help a girl out...ya know?
The parents went to Outback with some friends tonight. I'm a jealous. I love Outback. Their house salad and garlic mashed potatoes...HELLO! Yum yum! In the mean time, I'll be making chicken taquitos. Well, heating them up anyway, they're from Sam's...gotta love that.
I'm subbing 9th grade English on Wednesday and middle school Per-Algebra on Friday. Gotta make some money!
I'm not looking forward to getting back to school tomorrow. Well, that's a lie. I'm excited about going back, I'm just not excited about waking up early. *Can ya blame me?*
by Holly at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Crafting > School
Last official day of spring break. *sigh* Where did the time go? Ha ha. I'm ready to get back to school and finish up these last 5 weeks of class. I counted and I only have 11 more days of school. That's a way better way of looking at it if you ask me. I get to enroll for my classes at OU on April 12th.
I've been in purse mode yesterday and this morning. I started on another purse like the one I made yesterday. This one is a little different, it's an odd, triangle/square shape. Hard to describe, but it has a beaded handle. So cute. I've decoupaged it this morning, so I'm waiting for it to dry. I think I might add some ribbon to it and those darling little Daisy D's flower punches. I'd have to fluff them up a bit, so they're not so flat, maybe curl the edges or something to give them a 3D look.
I'm still waiting on my Nations and Nationalism book to get here. Is it nerdy that I'm actually really excited to read this book? I should also start on my review sheet for our next European History test. I don't know when it is yet, but I figure if I get a head start on it, the material might sink in a little deeper. Just a theory. :-)
I need to get a few more pages done for Desiree's book. She gave me this huge Ziplock bag full of pictures and I think I've made a grand total of 3 pages for her. I need to get some more done before I see her on Tuesday.
Have I mentioned that I don't like my Child Psychology class? It's a complete waste of my time. She spends too much time telling personal stories and not enough time teaching the material, which is extremely frustrating. It also might have helped if I actually bought the book for the class. Ehh, I've managed without the book thus far, I'm sure I can make it the last few weeks.
I'm hoping we get our Oklahoma History tests back Tuesday. We took the tests last Thursday and I'm dying to see how I did. I know I did well on the multiple choice, short ID's and fill in the blanks, but the essay was kinda shady. It asked us to write about missionary schools in Oklahoma Territory. Um, hello! There were 3 main ones and several smaller ones. Did he just want us to talk about the establishment of the schools? The legislation forming the schools? The missionaries that taught? The curriculum covered in each school? The students that attended the schools? The funding? I lightly touched on each topic, but my essay wasn't too deep since there were SO many Missionary schools, each with their own curriculum, student demographics, history, etc. I hope I did well enough.
I don't have a sub job yet for tomorrow, and honestly, I'm okay with that. Hopefully I can catch up on a few things. I mean, it's not like I just had an entire week off....oh...wait....I did.
Alright, I suppose I should finish getting ready for the day. After all, I've got lots to do!
by Holly at 10:45 AM 0 comments
by Holly at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Oh it gives me a thrill....
Let me just say this....
I love buying things online. It's seriously, the best thing ever. I had to buy a book for my European history class. It's called "Nations and Nationalism". It's sad, but I'm really excited about reading it. Which leads me to this: I am officially a history nerd. *sigh* Is there a support group I should join?
by Holly at 8:06 PM 0 comments
When will it be over?
by Holly at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Fun times tonight....
The guy Whitney wanted to set me up with called me. We talked for an hour and 15 minutes today. He seems like a really nice guy. I'm going to Norman tonight with Meaghan. Then we're going to go to O'connell's and I'll probably call Keith to see if he wants to meet us there. Whitney's coming and is bringing some of her friends. Big groups = no pressure/awkwardness.
I ran by 7ML today and wooo they have so many fantastic new things. LOVE them! I got the big Heidi Swapp playing cards, ghost clocks, and a bunch of the new Daisy D's. So cute!
Alright, I must run. Take care!
by Holly at 2:31 PM 0 comments
I'm an idiot....
Just realized that I didn't post the picture of the stars we got from Pottery Barn! What a silly girl I am! Anyway, here they are!!!
by Holly at 4:33 PM 0 comments
A sneak peek....
by Holly at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Lots to do today.....
Well, hello there. :-)
For someone who did absolutely nothing yesterday, I was so exhausted. Why is that?
I must be more productive today. Should I wash my car? It's only going to rain.....I vote no. I might bring my mom lunch today. Maybe I'll run out to the mall and get some new spring clothes. It's been forever since I've gone shopping. Seriously....forever.
I'm taking a scrapbook class tonight! So excited about that. I totally just now remembered. *woo* I think tonight is the wall hanging....next week is the garland I think.
So, I still haven't gotten a message from this guy my sister wants to set me up with. He was online last night, but still, no message. Oh well, I'm not going to worry about it. I have too many things going on to worry about him.
Maggie and Susie are snuggled together in my bed. Those two are so stinkin cute.
Alright, I'm going to start getting ready...it's 9:30 already! Goodness!
by Holly at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Oh Happy Day!
Today is a very special day! Why? It's Kim's Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Kim!
by Holly at 8:57 AM 1 comments
The Day After...
Good morning! Man! Yesterday was LOADS of fun. I worked at the store all day and Kim, Joey and Kensington came by. Everyone was wearing green of course, they're such a cute little bunch.
A little while later, Meaghan and her sister Julie came by to say hi. Meaghan thought the store was the most adorable thing ever. She's all about the shabby chic motif.
After work I drove down to Norman and Meaghan and I went to O'Connell's for their St. Patrick's Day party. Talk about fun! We met our friend Ruthy down there and drank a green beer. Meaghan was pretty tipsy, I only had one drink because I was driving. I have never seen so many intoxicated people in my life. Craziness!
No big plans for today. I might make a few scrapbook pages, maybe do some shopping...who knows.
My mom has Thursday off so we're going to have a girls day. I think we'll go to the Oklahoma Museum of Art and then get pedicures. So fun!
Alright, it's 11:15 and I'm still in my pajamas....I should get going.
by Holly at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Top O' the morning to ya....
Happy St. Patrick's Day. I swear, you just have to love the only holiday which encourages drinking. Green beer...here I come.
I worked for a few hours at the scrapbook store. *sigh* That place is just...magical. So whimsy and full of fun things. I can't wait until we move into the new store. It's going to be awesome.
Okay, I must run to bed now. I'll post more tomorrow!
by Holly at 11:10 PM 1 comments
A day in the life...

Can't wait to see it once it's all finished!!!
by Holly at 8:30 PM 1 comments
I've got that something that's been going around.....
Creative juice perhaps? Just a few little pretties I made this afternoon. My former high school (which is also the school I substitute teach at) made it to the state championship in girls basketball, they lost, but they fought their little hearts out. So sad for them, and yet so proud that they made it that far! They were the State Champions last year.
This little cutie is my friend Kim's daughter, Kensington. Tell me she's not the cutest thing you've ever seen. *sigh* LOVE that girl!!!
I got the inspiration for the paper pieced house from Teresa;s blog. http://www.teresamcfayden.typepad.com/ lots of yummy goodies there for your reading pleasure!
Finally, the wedding page is a leftover picture from my cousin Jane's wedding. Such a happy day!
by Holly at 10:28 PM 1 comments
Your Illusion
Today was a much better day substituting wise. There's such a difference in maturity and behavior from middle school to high school. I'm subbing at the high school again on Monday and next Friday.
I can't wait for daylight saving time to get here!!! I'm ready for some sunshine in the evenings then I can scrapbook all evening. I've got some really pretty ideas floating through my head right now.
I'm looking forward to Spring Break, mostly so I can just "catch up" on sleep and my growling list of things to do. I'm not going anywhere this year. However, before I can have any fun, I have a Math project due, a quiz in Math, an Oklahoma History quiz, a map project due in European History an article review due in Oklahoma History and a test in Oklahoma History as well. I'm pretty sure you know what I'll be doing this weekend. Busy busy!
"you've got me wrapped up in your illusion"
by Holly at 8:10 PM 0 comments
I wish I had some interesting things to post...unfortunately I don't. I'm boring. I can't help it.
by Holly at 7:52 PM 0 comments
A creative spurt of sorts...

by Holly at 9:29 PM 0 comments
a little of this....a little of that......
Still no word on my European History test. I did get my Oklahoma History article review back though. I got a 100 on it. He said that most people got B's and he only gave out "a handful" of A's. I'm so lucky to have got one....however I did work my butt off on that paper, so I think I deserved it.
I had lunch with Jessica today. I missed that girl! I haven't seen her in a week!
After school I ran by 7ML to drop off my layout for the kit. So many new and wonderful things came in! Anna Griffin, Melissa Francis and some others. It's all very botanical-y. Lots of fourishes and damasks. SO pretty! I can't wait to make something wonderful with it. I'm thinking the Anna Griffin line, which is pink, black and white, would look great in a window.
On my way home I got a phone call to substitute tomorrow for a band director. I've never subbed in a music class before. It should be interesting!
by Holly at 7:44 PM 0 comments
I did something shady. Borderline un-ethical, but we've all done it. I'm going to be as broad and general as I can be....my favorite band's CD doesn't drop here in the states until May, however, it dropped in Japan a few weeks ago and it's all over the internet. A friend sent me a link and I got to listen to it and it's so delicious! It's the best thing they've ever done.
I must listen to it now, while I take a hot bubble bath. It will be delightful, yes.
School tomorrow. That means I have to see him tomorrow. No bueno. I'm not in the mood to get into it with him again. Totally ruins my day when we fight.
I've kinda got my scedule planned for May intersession, summer school, August intersession and the fall semester. I just haev to hope and pray that none of the classes I want get filled up. I'd have to kick some ass then *ha ha*.
I need to drop my layout off at the store Tuesday. I'm so excited about making all of these kits! I also want to take 2 of the classes this month. They sound so yummy!
by Holly at 8:47 PM 0 comments
All Hail the Queen!
Happy March! Let me just tell you, that I love March 1st. I love writing the word March. I love the fact that it's the month that spring break is in and I love the fact that it means that spring is here! Also, today is my mom's birthday!
The math test ate my lunch. I was totally lost. GRRR.
I brought my mom lunch today for her birthday. My 11am class was cancelled so after lunch with my mom I ran to 7ML to pick up some yummy treats and say. I had to make an emergency trip to the dentist today. I've had really swollen puffy gums for the past week, they've been so sensitive and they're bleeding. NOT GOOD. My dentist asked me if I had been stressed out lately. Duh! I mean with stuff with the boyfriend, and tests/papers due at school, who isn't stressed? He said that when you're stressed, your immune system is weakened and that you're more prone to infections. So, I have a gum infection and he said it was really bad and that if I had waited another week to come in, my gums would have "died". It's so weird because they were all red and swollen, but right next to the tooth, they were white. Anyway, he said when your gums get all white, that means they're dying. Gross.
So, I'm on medication now and I have some special mouth rinse to use. He said that things should be all better in 3 to 4 days. I super hope so because it's yucky and it hurts. I *heart* my dentist. He's such a hottie.
While I was at 7ML, Corrine said I get to be a Queen! I can't tell you exactly what she's going to do with it, but it's going to be awesome, let me just say that.
Grey's is on tonight! Horray!
by Holly at 5:15 PM 0 comments