
Ho Ho Holidays

So dead this morning. I'm in desperate need of caffeine.

I'm fixing to leave to go substitute teach. Today I'm at Mustang Mid-High teaching Special Ed. I think these are just kids with learning disabilities, and not so much mental retardation. I tell ya, the Special Ed kids are great. Totally love them. I try to get those sub jobs whenever I can. The classes are really laid back, and usually don't have too many kids in them.

I have to take my homework with me today, I have to have a philosophy statement for Career Tech turned in on Friday, and have I started on it? Of course not. Plus, I have a final online starting tomorrow at 6am and it's online until 6am on Friday. So, I have a full day to take the test, which is really nice. It's got a 2 hour time limit and of course is open book/open note.

I'm ready to be done with school. I've mentally checked out for the smester.

Holly's Bain:
Will Return January 2007.