
Hello, goodbye

Substitute teaching tomorrow at the Middle School. So excited. It's going to be awesome. 8th graders are cool.

I got some new ice cream. It's coffee ice cream with chocolate covered almonds and fudge swirled in. SO good. It's by Starbucks. So get some....in the ice cream section at Wal-Mart.

My puppy Maggie is fast asleep by me right now and my other puppy, Susie is asleep at my feet.

My mom is going to be in the Mercy Hospital holiday commercial. I'm so excited for her. I've been bugging her to do it for a few years now, so she's finally going to do it. Good for her. So, keep your eyes peeled. I think it's so cool how it's all of their employees in it singing. Love that!

School today was awesome. Meaghan, Emma and I decided not to go to Management today. Our professor is old and can't pronounce half of the words on his power points. He's cool, but kinda boring. Sales Management was great. I love my professor in there. He's coming on the Dallas Study tour and it'll be fun to see him out of "teacher mode". I should be getting my book report back in Problems of Consumer's class back next Tuesday. I hope I did well on it. Economics was great today too. Austin was back in class today. It was *so* good to see him. I missed him. So, my Economics buddy is back ! Horray!

Watching the end of "Prime" right now. Not my favorite movie, but it's on, so I'm watching it. I'm not a big Meryl Streep fan...

Okay...going to bed now....I'm a middle schooler tomorrow...except for the fact that I can drive and I'm way cooler. *ha ha....wishful thinking*



~Kim said...

That's what I think is so awesome about you....you are so random! Hope you are having fun with those middle schoolers.

Have a Happy Friday!