
A is for Awesome

Today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary! That is Awesome! Congratulations mom and dad!

I think Matt and I got in a fight last night. I'm not exactly sure, all I know is that I felt like crap after talking to him. But then he said, "Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow". So, if we were fighitng surely he wouldn't talk to me then. Gosh! I don't know! Grr!

I'm subbing at the Mid-High today in an Oklahoma History class. I love history! This should be great fun!


~Kim said...

Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad! 25 years is a long time...but here's to another wonderful 25 years!

Sounds like you and Matt are already dating with the whole emotional roller coaster. Maybe he was just tired...or trying to do something else...or tired...or oh who knows. If you haven't already figured it out, men are moody!! They totally claim that we are the moody ones, but by far the reverse it true! Hang in there...sometimes you have to fight for what you want!

Hope you are having fun subbing...I have a sick little girl today : ( She is running a fever and just wants to be held. I can handle the snuggly part, but I hate the fever part...Tylenol only works so fast.

Let's plan on lunch either W or F...whichever day you don't think you will sub.
