A few more changes going on at my house. See this beautiful quilt? It's a Christmas present from my mom. It wasn't quite done by Christmas, but it's done now and looking gorgeous on my bed. Planning on painting my walls soon. It wasn't a huge priority for me once I moved in, but now the more I look at pictures in magazines or see other people's houses - I want to paint mine. i'm thinking of a pale blue. It will really pop with my white trim I think.
Speaking of houses, my best friend Jessica bought a house and closed on it this last Friday. It's so fun seeing her get so excited about her house, and it reminds me of how much I love mine. The best part? We live 1/2 a mile from eachother. So excited! I love having her so close.
More changes at my place...
by Holly at 2:28 PM 1 comments
An entire month? Oh my! I'm sorry! Where has the time gone?
Work has been crazy as usual. This is my friend, and future partner, Drew. We had a little too much fun in WalMart one night...I had my first recruit this month. Since I got promoted to Sgt. I am now part of the Education department and train new employees. I teach them to drive, teach them the driving policy and geography of the OKC metro. I was super busy with her. It was definitely a learning experience and we almost died one. (seriously, no joke)
We also have a student on our truck. He's a BYU student and he is doing clinicals with us for 10 weeks. We're starting week #4 on Friday. Having a 3rd person on the truck has been different, it's not just me and Aran anymore. Things flow better with just me and Aran. We've been working together for almost a year and we have a routine down, so adding another person into the mix is taking some getting used to.
This was my Valentines display in my living room. Pretty, huh? I'm particularly loving the tissue paper flowers and the paper doilies.
by Holly at 1:18 PM 1 comments