I close on my house in 37 hours. *squeel*
My room is empty.
Getting ready for the big day, 2:00pm tomorrow.
I'm excited, scared and nervous.
It'll be an adventure, that's for sure.
T-Minus 37 hours....
by Holly at 6:08 AM 1 comments
5 days and counting...
5 days until I close on the new house.
Sooo excited.
Did the first walkthrough yesterday. The house is getting there, almost ready for me. I can't wait.
Right now, I'm cleaning, packing and getting rid of things I don't need.
I worked with Drew last night *drool* Again, the night was filled with flirtatious fun. We had 2 calls all night. Luckily we were posted in a great location, right across the street from Drew's apartment complex, so we hung out at his place all night, crashed on the couch, and watched tv. It was great, nice to get out of the truck and be in a different environment.
Back to work with my partner Aran from now on. He's the best.
by Holly at 9:56 PM 1 comments
Updates and Such
I stand corrected.
I worked my last shift with Drew last night and what a night it was. Full of calls (7 to be exact!) We had such a good time. He really is a nice guy. He apologized for leaving my partnerless on Sunday and definitely made up for it last night. He drove me around town all night and treated me like a pretty princess.
Did I mention that I have a slight crush on him? The flirting was in full force last night, and I got this sweet text from him once I got home...
Hey, thanks again for the fun week.....I had an absolute blast and its sad that Aran is such a selfish bastard because you'd make a good full time partner. You wanna put up a truck, I'm game anytime. Thanks again Holly
On to other things....
Everything seems to be in line for the closing next week. I'm doing my first inspection tomorrow where I'll point out every little detail I want fixed before the closing. Pretty excited about that. The blinds (and my back door with the built in blinds) are already 3-4 weeks behind schedule, so that poses a giant problem. What am I supposed to do? Hang sheets over my windows while I change? I don't want to be giving my neighbors a free show.
Another obstacle is the lighting fixture in the dining area. First, it's not centered with the window, it's off-center by an inch or so. So, that needs to be centered. I'm actually thinking about moving it closer to the wall slightly so you're not having to completely walk around the dining table to get into the kitchen, I'd like to have a more defined walkway to the kitchen.
I'll let you know how it all goes tomorrow. *psst! and keep your fingers crossed that Drew asks me out soon!*
by Holly at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Good Morning!
A morning post! Nice for a change!
I've been working nights at work this week. I traded shifts with a girl that nobody likes. She's having problems getting along with her partner, Drew, who I absolutely love. So, I traded her for a week to give them both a break from eachother.
Let me just say, after being on days, night are kicking my butt. I miss being off at 8:00pm and not just starting my day. Whew. Talk about tired! I made it through Friday and Saturday, Yesterday Drew was pretty sick. He took off Saturday night for a friend's birthday and had entirely too much to drink. He came to work yesterday vomiting and totally ill. I sent him home, which was unfortunate for me. Because then I had to drive the Supervisor's vehicle to Tulsa to get capnography supplies since we're really low around here.
I just feel weird about the situation. I like Drew and he's a good friend of mine. However, I feel....shafted. I did this trade because he and his crazy partner are at eachother's throats all the time. He was excited to "have a competent partner for once" (his words, not mine). So, why would he get so drunk that he can't even function and then leave me hanging at work to do crap jobs?
Maybe I'm just ranting. I don't know. But I don't appreciate making a partner swap and then not having a partner.
by Holly at 10:01 AM 1 comments
What in the world?
Made a little trip to the new house today to see how things were coming along. To my surprise there is a door in my living room. WHAT?!?!? Weird thing is that all of my doors are in place. Where will this mystery door go? Hopefully in someone elses' house and not anywhere in mine. Be gone foreign door! But, for some new stuff, I have a tree!!!!
by Holly at 3:35 PM 0 comments
With my new house I'm having to buy EVERYTHING. I have very few things to furnish a house, so I've been picking up things here and there to give it some chic-ness.
Painted glazed flower pots....$3.99 each. Aren't they so cute? I can't wait to fill these with beautiful flowers!
My kitchen will be pink and green. Found these placemats yesterday while in Shawnee with my awesome friend Jessica.
by Holly at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Do you see what I see?
My first house! Isn't it cute?
View of the front... The view right as you walk into the house of the living room (just to the right of the front door)
by Holly at 8:38 PM 2 comments
Do you see what I see?
by Holly at 8:36 PM 0 comments
...and so it begins
More house hunting today.
Hopefully I'll find something. Got a few good options open right now...
Work this week was good. Although, I was pretty cranky and unpleasant on Sunday. I've been sick since Saturday. Sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, etc. Today is better, the sore throat is gone, now if only I could get my congestion to clear up....
A couple of my friends Mike and Kim are having a baby girl!!! She's due October 20th. They just found our her gender a few days ago and I am SOOO excited. Her name is Harlie Jo. Super cute! I need to get started on her baby gifts, becuase lord knows once I get my house I'll be spending all my time working on that.
by Holly at 1:38 PM 1 comments