Where has the time gone?
I've been working like a crazy lady lately.
Worked the Arts Festival last week on my days off, then worked my 4 regular street shifts. I'm off for the next 3 days and I need it!
Got something exciting happening right now! I can't wait to share!
Much Ado...
by Holly at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Relaxation and Sunny Days
It's been beautiful here today. Mid 70's, no wind. Pure bliss I tell ya. Definitely flip flop weather if you ask me.
My uncle and cousin are in town for part of the week. My dad goes on a fishing trip with his brothers every spring and this weekend is the perfect weekend for it. So, the house has been bustling with visitors and multiple trips to Academy and Bass Pro for last minute essentials.
I got my new schedule for summer at work. I'm on days which will be a nice change. I'm still working Friday-Monday, but my hours are 8:15am to 8:15pm. That should be nice. I'm guessing I'll get a lot of heat related calls since I'll be working during the peak "hot times".
Made a trip to Prague yesterday for a cut and touch up. She added some more highlites to my hair and gave me a trim and added some more layers. It's pretty cute. Thumbs up Jessica!
by Holly at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Easter Meester
I'm a sucker for easter eggs. It's been a tradition in my house for YEARS. We use the plain ol' dye with the wax crayon stuff. (It's the best!)
Me and my sister, and no, we didn't plan on wearing the same color, just happened to work out that way.
by Holly at 3:13 AM 0 comments
I love...
Beautiful handmade appliqued pillows, and plush beanies. Love Love love.
Who loves crowns? Crowns on pillows, tote bags and towels. Oh my!
by Holly at 11:46 AM 2 comments
A little trickery for April Fools...
We always try to have fun at work, right? I traded partners with my friend Jodi for the day, this fungi (ha ha ha! Get it, FUN GUY) is Brandon. Brandon likes to play tricks on other medics.
This is Brandon in a truck that is not ours. With a Thomas Pack that is also, not ours.
We have a handrail on the ceiling of the truck, which is intended to keep medics from falling on their patients. But it also doubles as a support system for using Kerlix to tie the Thomas pack to the ceiling of the truck.
by Holly at 12:21 AM 1 comments