I worked with my friend Jim yesterday. He's been a medic for a LOOONG time. He's seriously one of the most talented and smartest medics I know. I was so excited to work with him, I always learn something new.
First, I started my VERY FIRST IV yesterday.....on Jim. He's getting me ready for paramedic school. My first attempt.....success! :-)
Then, the two of us handled a respiratory arrest. The guy just stopped breathing. Luckily he did it right in front of us, so we were able to intubate and start a breathing treatment through the tube. Turns out he had a major pneumothorax. I had to stop the truck en route to the hospital and rush to the back to help Jim. I was scared to death, especially since it was just the two of us. He talked me through everything and we saved the guy.
I got this note on my Facebook today "I have to say that I was very impressed with you last night. You are one HELL of an EMT and a GREAT partner. Dont ever change your great"
Quick Thinking
by Holly at 10:56 AM 2 comments
Snow? In March?
We've got a winter (well, technically spring) snow storm on our hands. The metro got a dusting, but some parts of the state got 6 inches!
We were so busy yesterday, lots of car wrecks, falls and respiratory issues. Luckily, nothing too bad. The hospitals were overloaded, so hopefully today won't be as bad (although I'm sure it will be).
Stay warm friends!
by Holly at 10:37 AM 1 comments
A few stragglers...
Found a few straggling pictures from spring break. Man, that was a fun trip. I'm ready for another.
La Hacienda our first night in Dallas. They had the best fajitas ever. Seriously. So good. Add in the chips and salsa, queso and tecate with salt and lime and I'm a happy girl. Our last day, lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. Man, I miss this place. Chopped salad and sicilian pizza. Yummy! Be still my heart.

I've been looking at houses lately. Working a lot of overtime while it's available. I'm wanting to buy a house some time this year. So, work is necessary. Lately it's been 6 days a week (totaling 72 hours), but it will be SO worth it.
by Holly at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Spring Break Recap
My BFF Jessica and I headed south for spring break this week. Lord only knows how bad I need a break. I've been working 72 hours/week the past several weeks and I am exhausted. It was great to get away, relax and do some shopping!
Our hotel was great, Country Inn Suites in Lewisville. They were so helpful offering us suggestions for dinner. We wanted to eat at only places we don't have here in OKC.
First up, California Pizza Kitchen. Heaven in your mouth. Seriously delicious pizza. Yum!
La Hacienda Steaks and Mexican food. Yummy in your tummy. We split the "Fajitas for Two" but they should have been called "Fajitas to feed 4 or a small 3rd world country" we had SOO much food left. Luckily, our room had a fridge and a microwave.
Can't remember where we ate for lunch on Day 2, all I know is that it was on the West End and I got a "Dr. Pepper Chicken Sandwich" and it was to. die. for.
Dinner was leftover fajitas....with margaritas we made in the hotel room. YUM!
We bought a lot of wine in Texas....and drank a lot of it too. Our evenings were spent in the hotel room drinking wine and talking about stuff. Jessica and I have been best friends since we were 4 years old. Can you imagine having 20 years worth of stories to share? I'm SOOO blessed to have had her as a friend for so long. Love that girl! On our way through Ardmore we HAD to stop at The Cloverleaf. Seriously, the CUTEST little place. LOVE IT!
I wanted to take this fella home with me! What a cutie pie!
by Holly at 9:25 PM 0 comments
You spin my head right round, right round
So much going on lately.....
Works was a challenge this week. Had a really bad trauma on Monday. Glad the week was over.
Had lunch with my friend Kim yesterday. So nice to catch up with her and her teaching adventures.
My aunt sent me an email this morning asking if I wanted to be "mom for a week" and stay with her 3 kiddos while and and my uncle went to a conference in Hawaii in October. HELL YES! Where do I sign up? They're flying me to Rapid City and will pay handsomely. Can't wait.
Gary and I love the Flo Rida song "Right Round". We heard it on a radio Monday as we were driving back to the station and we both just started busting out dancing in the truck. Soo funny. We looked at eachtoher and just laughed. You had to be there, but we're both terrible dancers. I started doing the "lawn sprinkler" and he was doing the wave with his arms and head banging.
by Holly at 11:51 AM 0 comments