So, we're Big VII bound. Ha ha! Sweet! So excited about that.
Boomer Sooner Baby.
by Holly at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Pictures from Work.
Work has been great these past 4 days. Morgan and Levi are amazing. I love those guys! They are such goofballs. It was nothing but life saving and schenanigans for us.
Here I am being silly in my truck after dropping a patient off at the ER. Levi decided to break out the Mass Casualty kit. Aren't the goggles and hard hat sexy? Ha ha ha.
by Holly at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Happy Thanksgiving
So many things to be thankful for this cup runneth over.
I got released from orientation last night/this morning. So, I'm officially a real EMT and no longer a student. Sweetness.
I work again tonight and I get paid double *thank you, holiday pay!*
Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.
by Holly at 2:09 PM 0 comments
New places, new faces
My new partners, Levi (pmed) and Morgan (EMT) are awesome. Morgan is hilarious! Levi is so darn funny and sweet. These are 2 guys that I am definitely looking forward to working with more. I'm running hot to a call and Morgan is in the passenger seat screaming "Yee Haw! Let's git r' done!" Uh, yea.....this is going to be a LONG week.
We bonded later though, after we realized we both went to the same high school and had a lot of the same friends. So, then I decided to put the obnoxious-ness aside and embrace him for all that he is. I think that's when we became friends. :-)
Levi is as sweet as can be. He's 23 too and is so excited about becoming a daddy in 7 months. We ran a pediatric call and he was so sweet to that little girl.
Both the guys were great about answering my questions and breaking things out of the truck and showing me how things work. We pulled out the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) and hooked it up and each tried it out. Kinda wierd, but it gets the job done. The patients don't like it, but it helps them breathe, so too bad. :-)
I can't wait to get to work today and learn from these two guys. It's gonna be great.
by Holly at 2:16 PM 0 comments
New Layout!
Yay! What do you think of the new layout? I, personally, am LOVING it. So new and fun. Yay!
I'm back to work today, with 2 new partners, Morgan and Levi. Should be interesting, I've heard they're big goofballs.
I got a new phone, it's a red Blackjack and it's freakin awesome. Seriously. I can't stop playing with it. It's awesome.
I suppose I should go take a quick nap before I have to be at work.
by Holly at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Christmas Book: The Beginnings
I decided to make a Christmas Memory Book leading up to the big day. The album is a 6" x 6" Maya Road Chipboard album and I looove it.
These pictures are terribly out of order, so please forgive me.
First things first, the front cover. Not quite done yet, but will have a red sparkly "08" on the cover. Paper by Basic Grey and the gaffer tape is by 7 Gypsies. Pages 1-3 of the book. Page 1 is a transparency with the word "one" in rub ons on the bottom right corner. Page 2 is Bazill cardstock and I hand stitched 2 snowflakes and the number 2. Page 3 is white cardstock with red paint brushed around the edges, a brown circle punch and a number 3 sticker.
Page 14 is a transparency with a green border around it. The border is from 7 Gypsies 97% complete christmas sheet of stickers. Page 15 is Basic Grey paper with a tea dyed tag.
by Holly at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Party of 1
I brought my camera to work with me last week and was able to snap a picture. Well, I didn't take the picture, obviously, but my partner did. How awesome do I look behind the wheel?
My sweet friend Kim gave me the idea for Journal Jars for Christmas. I started making my prototype this afternoon and I am so pleased with how it turned out. Cutting the strips was the most time consuming part! Whew! I als had to take out a few of the journaling prompts because she's not married or a parent and a few of the prompts refer to that. I'm going to make a composition book to accompany the Journal Jar. I'll keep you updated on it.
by Holly at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Hello there.
Well, my days off haven't been quite what I've hoped for. At work on Tuesday we were running constantly. We were SO busy. We didn't have time to get food so we ran into a 7-11 and got hotdogs. BIG MISTAKE. I woke up yesterday feeling terrible and throwing up. Yup, you guessed it, food poisoning. I was throwing up all day. So gross.
I have a team meeting at work this afternoon at 3:00. It's my first one, so I'm interested to see how it works. From what Laura said it's basically just a chance for us to get together to go over things that need improvement or new protocols, etc.
I'm going Christmas shopping with my mom tomorrow. I'm excited. I love girl's days.
I have a few pictures from work that I'm going to post this afternoon. But for now, I need to finish getting ready for the team meeting.
by Holly at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go....
Back to work this afternoon. It's been really nice having the past 3 days off. I've been spoiled. Wednesday I slept in until 1:00 and stayed in my pajamas all day. Thursday I got my hair cut and colored (see previous post) and yesterday I taught 8th grade english.
The past 2 nights I went to Jeremy's house. He was in academy with me and moved here for this job. Can you imagine packing up your life and moving to a whole new state and not knowing anybody? I couldn't do it. Anyway, I've been trying to spend time with him and get him acquainted with the city and such. He's my sister's age and just a really cool, funny guy. I'm sure he'll settle in here nicely and make lots of friends soon.
It's supposed to be cool and windy again here today. I'll make sure to bundle up at work and stay toasty. I'm bringing my camera to work today so I can show you my big pimpin' ride. Ha ha ha. I should get one of those stickers that says, "My other car is an ambulance".
Take care!
by Holly at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Weekend Time
It's the weekend! Well, for me it is anyway. My "weekend" begins at 4:15am on Wednesday and lasts until 3:25pm on Saturday when I get back to work.
Today was slightly productive. I got my hair cut and colored. Although, you can barely tell. I went darker, and it seems like she just put in some low-lights and trimmed off less than an inch. I got home and my mom said, "What did she do?" Yes, my thoughts exactly. Alas, I'm trying to make the best of it though.
Tomorrow I'm subbing. I have nothing else to do, so why not? The coolest part, my neighbor Erica will be in my class and I am so excited to see her. She's in 8th grade and is mighty cool. Can't wait.
That's it for news around here my friends. I'm bringing my camera to work on Saturday so I'll take some pictures of my ambulance to share. I'll give you the grand tour. :-)
It's to watch Survivor and Grey's!
by Holly at 6:40 PM 0 comments
One Week Later
Feeling a little bit overwhelmed right now with work.
Today is day 3 of 4. Half way there. I need a little break.
by Holly at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Hitting the Streets
Last night was my first night out on the streets. It was quite interesting. We had 7 calls and stayed pretty busy.
1st call: Assault on a woman. Apparently she got in a fight with another gal. She definitely had a broken collar bone and a nasty abrasion to her back.
2nd call: Seizure.
3rd call: The patient and his friends were in a church parking lot. The patient puked and gasped while he was puking which made his friends think that he couldn't breathe. Upon arrival patient appeared to be fine. Patient did not want to be transported and signed a refusal.
4th call: Patient was released from the hospital on Friday. Pt was supposed to get his pain meds filled but "didn't have a ride". Therefore he called 911 because he needed a ride to the hospital to get his meds filled.
5th call: Elderly man complaining of dizziness. Let me just say that I have a soft spot for old people. Really, I do. This man was the most precious thing I've seen. He lives alone and has a little dog. He didn't want to leave until his friend came to pick up the dog. So cute!
6th call: Nastiest, grossest place I've ever been at. Chief complaint: seizure. Upon arrival we entered the residence to find food all over the floor, roaches on the walls and bugs everywhere. The patient was sitting on the floor and had just had a "seizure". However, he was not post ictal. Which made us immediately question the validity of the seizure. His wife was also at the residence and couldn't keep her mouth shut. Finally she said, "Look! He's about to have another seizure" and right on cue, the man farts, puffs out his cheeks to hold his breath and then shakes his fists. However, his core isn't shaking and neither are his legs. His pupils are equal, round and reactive. This was the funniest fake seizure I've ever seen. Then the wife proceeds to tell us exactly how much valium it takes for his seizures to stop and *gasp* it's an insanely high dose. Nice try. We transported him to the hospital and they told us to take him to triage instead of straight back to the treatment area. Five minutes later they were walking out the door and flipping us off for not giving them the meds. Thought you could pull a fast one on us, huh? Next time why don't you do some research on seizures and then maybe we'll believe you.
7th call: Gunshot wound to the upper thigh/hip area. Drive by. Upon arrival, she was cool, clammy and diaphoretic. Once we got her calmed down and into the truck she seemed to get better. I had to stabilize her leg and straddled the cot sitting on the foot of it the entire way to the hospital.
All in all, I had a great day. I got to do a little bit of driving and today I'll be driving all day. Yes, WITH the lights and sirens. Woo hoo! I'm a little bit nervous, but I'm sure I'll make it.
by Holly at 10:16 AM 0 comments
T Minus 4 Hours....
I start work today. Well, actually I've been at work since the beginning of October, but today is my first day out and about on the truck. I am so excited.
I've got my new flashlight they gave us at graduation, my pager, watch, stethoscope, goggles, hand sanitizer, EMS field guide and tylenol. I'm ready to rock and roll.
My uniform is all ready to go with a shiny name tag and caduceus pins.
Let's get to work!
by Holly at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Lightning the Load
I have a confession.
I have too much stuff.
Therefore today will be spent clearing out my excess and driving to Goodwill with clothes.
There's a party on election night at my house and since I have to work that night I will not be in attendance! (Sucks, doesn't it?!?) Anyway, I need to get my room in "party mode" which means all nice and tidy, straighten up the desk and clothes and shoes up off the floor so it's presentable.
Much to do.
I think the people from my academy class are going to get together and do something fun today. Maybe drinks? Who knows. We have a quick meeting at work at 12:00 and then maybe we'll make battle plans.
Off to start my day....the shower is beckoning me.
by Holly at 7:11 AM 0 comments