Whew! What a year it has been! Seriously! Lots of new experiences and new friends. My, my, my how my life has changed this year.
Back at OU. History major. Working at the Paper Crown. Dating more. Getting along with my sister. New taste in music. Interested in politics. Working in the ER. Drinking more green tea. Being more creative. Still wanting to be a teacher. Appreciating my family. Trying new things. Reading.
"May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human & enough hope to make you happy."
Happy 2008!!
Good Bye 2007
by Holly at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Christmas Pictures
Finally! Can you tell that I just figured out how to upload pictures to my new laptop?
My mom is the BEST present wrapper. Seriously, she wraps so beautifully. This year, it was my mission to make my presents prettier than hers, so this was my attempt. Not too shabby if you ask me.
My sister on Christmas morning. (and our dog, Cricket)
Me, I was still in sleep mode, hence why I look terrible.
One of my most favorite Christmas gifts, my GPS for my SUV! love. love. love.
by Holly at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Birthday Pictures
Pictures from my birthday party! The Big 23!
My sister never bakes. She doesn't know how, but she made me these star shaped cupcakes. They were SO yummy! Thanks Whitney! My bestest friends! (Leslie, Jessica, Me and my sister)
Me and my friend Nathan. He's SO tall. (Well, I'm 5'3", so everyone looks tall compared to me!)
Me and my sister getting drinks at Brothers.
by Holly at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Happy Saturday
Went out with Brett last night (the graphic designer). He's pretty cool. We went out for sushi (this was my first sushi experience) and let me just say that I am NOT a fan. Totally disgusting. No no no no no. Sushi is definitely not for me. I'm not a fish/crab/lobster/shrimp seafood eating person.
I'm getting my hair highlited and trimmed today and boy am I in need of it. Seriously.
One of my most facorite places right now.... http://flickr.com/groups/facesinplaces/pool/
I'll be spending tonight at work in the ER....lots of fun....oh boy!
by Holly at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Ours was spent at home, just the 4 of us (although my cousin Jacob stopped by for a few hours).
What topped my Christmas list this year? A KitchenAid Artisan mixer, a GPS for my car, kitchen stuff, a new paper trimmer, DVD's (Hairspray, Super Bad, The Holiday) clothes, sheets for my bed, new cookie sheets and baking stuff, Clinique makeup, and a garage door opener. I know a garage door opener sounds weird, but trust me, it sucks really bad when it's pouring down rain and you have to get out of the car to type the code in the keypad, then run back to the car and drive in.
We did a non-traditional Christmas meal today. We were turkeyed and hammed out from Thanksgiving, so we did a brisket, scallopped potatoes, squash casserole, and I made my wonderful sweet glazed carrots, plus my mom made rolls. Yum-O!
I'm looking forward to staying home tomorrow and "recovering" after another exciting Christmas. I'm working in the ER tomorrow night, so I'll need a good, long nap tomorrow before I go in.
Be Merry!
by Holly at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Running Out Of Time!
2 days left! Oh my!! I still have so much to do! This is what I get for waiting until the very last minute! Grrr! I got a few things for my sister yesterday, so today I need to pick up a few more things for my mom and my dad. Geez! I'm running around in panic mode!
My date last night was great. He's a really fun guy. We had a few drinks and then went to his place and made dinner and watched a few movies. (He can cook!)
Have I mentioned that I hate wrapping presents? Because I do. I hate hate hate it. Yucky, no fun! But this year, I'm determined to have the prettiest presents under the tree be from me, so I should get going.
Take care!
by Holly at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Just a Few Things....
As I was looking at my blog, I realized I haven't posted any pictures in FOREVER. I can explain! I got a new laptop and I haven't moved all my stuff over, so I only have a small sampling of my stuff. I decided to go ahead and post some pictures of things I've made this year, some have been posted on here already this year, some are new, but either way, I just needed to have some visual stimulation on here. I'm still trying to figure out how to get my printer hooked up with this laptop....grrr!
Using the "Love, Elsie" Lola line - perfect for my trip to Vegas! This is one of my favorite layouts. It's so bright and cheerful. Love it!
My dad (second from the right) and his brothers. We call these their "Waldo" shirts.
What a find! After taking Kim Hayne's Vintage window class last year, I was on a mission to find more vintage windows. This year I made one for Meaghan's sister, Julie and made another one for my Aunt Lauri. I still have the two with the arches on top and the big one with 8 windows.
My window from Kim Hayne's class. I think it's my favorite thing I've EVER made. I have it hanging in my room and I get comments on it all the time when people come over.
Me. I cropped the rest of the fam out of this, everyone seemed to be doing their own thing and I'm the only one looking at the camera. *go figure!* This was taken a few weeks ago behind our house down by the creek. My mom, sister and I all have on our OU hoodies (since we go/went to school there) and my dad has on a Nebraska sweatshirt. I'll see if I can get more pictures moved over today and maybe I can post some more of the family pictures.

I have so many more pictures to post that I've been promising! Pictures from my birthday, pictures of a few of my birthday treats, my charming new purse, and I want to take a few holiday shots from around my house.
I'm shopping with Corrine today and I have another date tonight, so I better run!
by Holly at 8:28 AM 0 comments
10 Things About Me...
Someone sent me one of those MySpace surveys, but since most of you don't have MySpace, I thought I would repost it over here.
So here goes, ten things about me.....
- When I'm expecting a phone call or a text message I will carry my phone around and check it a million times. I'm a total spaz. I can't just be patient and wait.
- If I like a song, I can listen to it a gazillion times in a row. Right now I'm listening to "Snow Hey Oh" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
- I only like the pink and the red Starburst candy.
- I'm 23, and I still eat fruit snacks.
- I love old buttons, lace, trim
- I can't say no to an estate sale.
- I make lists. I'm an obsessive list maker.
- I can not eat canned fruit.
- The iPod at The Paper Crown has a lot of Rod Stewart and Paul Simon songs on it. So, after working there for almost a year, Rod Stewart makes me want to rip my ears off.
- I love things that smell "old". You know what I'm talking about! Old books, anything vintage, that old attic smell.
Well, there ya go. Ten things (some of you) didn't know about me.
by Holly at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Birthday Blessings
Thank you so much to all of my fantastic friends who came to my 1st birthday party last night. I had such a good time with everyone. Some came for dinner and cupcakes, while other brave souls came on the birthday bar hop (ha ha) and helped me on my mission to collect as many free birthday shirts from various campus corner eateries and pubs. (The Mont, Brothers, O'Connell's, 747, Louie's, Logans, just to name a few!)
Party #2 will be tonight, my REAL birthday and should be equally as fun!
Pictures will be posted soon!
by Holly at 1:02 PM 3 comments
Counting it down...
I turn 23 on Friday. Birthday part #1 is tomorrow night. I'm kinda excited about it. *whee!* I've got some pretty pretty new shoes to wear for my par-tay and I'm so excited about seeing my girlfriends! Yay!
I got a new laptop yesterday so I'm busy customizing it for me. It's got a 17" screen. It feels so much BIGGER than my old laptop!
Oh, I got the more gorgeous purse ever today! I'll post pictures later.
by Holly at 8:32 PM 1 comments
Clash of the Choirs
Did anyone watch Clash of the Choirs tonight? Holy cow! I loved every single minute of it. Go VOTE for the Oklahoma City choir led by Blake Shelton! Vote Vote Vote!
by Holly at 10:28 PM 0 comments
welcome to my world
Just a few pictures from around my place with this crazy winter weather.
My back yard. We own most of those trees. They're down by the creek. When you're outside you just hear them snap and the ice shatters onto the ground. It sounds super creepy! My poor poor pansies. Look at them all frozen in time.
Our iron weiner dog. He looks a little cold, don'tcha think?
The porch light.
One final look at the back yard. Since I took this picture one of the huge branches fell and is laying in the garden now.
by Holly at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Snow Day
Finals week is here finally! Wow. Where has the semester gone? Seriously. I remember just starting class this fall and now it's OVER! Woo hoo! Party time!
We've also been hit with a winter storm (I'm not gonna lie, I secretly wanted finals week to be cancelled) but OU only closed yesterday when I had NO finals. Why, why, why couldn't OU be closed today? I've got 2 finals today, Human Geography at 8:00am and Western Civ at 10:30. Boo. No fun.
We lost power from 3:00 to about 9:15 last night. We had lots of candles and the fireplace going so it wasn't too bad. But you don't realize how much you rely on electricity. We played 2 games of scrabble (I'm a horrible scrabble player) and made some Jiffy Pop on our gas stove. Mmm, Jiffy Pop is SO yummy!
Okay, off to school. Say a little prayer for me.
by Holly at 6:31 AM 1 comments
Sassy Little Punk
Whew. Work was the BEST last night. Seriously. I had a noon-midnight shift and it was a total cupcake shift. We never had more than 5 patients at a time and we got ALL of the easy cases. I only admitted 2 people. Brilliant. Love it! Plus, I got to work with a really fun doctor. He's seriously as cute as a button and we do crossword puzzles together. Ahh, good times. He called me a "Sassy Little Punk". I'm flattered that I have a nickname. Last night was also our ER Christmas party. The party was at StepBrothers in Norman, but since some of us had to work we didn't all get to go, but we had the BEST mexican food catered and it was de-lish!
I'm pretty much iced in today. Perfect day to create some "stuff" today, don't ya think? I've got so many Christmas ideas rushing through my head, but now I just need to DO them. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do that today.
Gotta go stay warm!
by Holly at 11:22 AM 0 comments
If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain....
Summer time! Please come back! I'd love nothing more than warm nights and a pina colada or strawberry daiquiri in each hand while I bask in the sunshine on the patio. But for now, I'll settle for frost on the windshield in the mornings and a latte in my hands while I cuddle with someone special.
Where did yesterday go? Seriously. I worked Thursday in the ER and I slept all day yesterday. Around 7 I went to Wes' and we fell asleep watching "A Lot Like Love" with Amanda Peet and Ashton Kutcher. We love that movie.
I'm running a few errands with my mom today and then I'm working again tonight.
(Kim Walker, you need to call me!)
by Holly at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Cold day!
What a slacker I've become. Seriously. What's up with me? Blame it on finals, Dead Week, and lots of calls from the ER asking me to come in, plus a few dates here and there.
Work is still good. I acutally have to work tonight from 7p-7a and I'm praying for a decent shift. Just enough to stay busy, but not feel overwhelmed. As always, I'll be bringing a few magazines and study guides to keep myself entertained in the event that we're not so busy.
Today is my last day of Geography Lab. I'll miss my TA, he's this really cool Indian guy named Muhammed. I thought he hated me at the beginning of the semester, but we've actually gotten to be good friends. Plus, my lab group in Geography is pretty great too. We go to lunch together every Thursday, so I'm definitely going to miss them.
Finals are next week and I'm attempting to mentally prepare for them. I've got 2 on Tuesday, 1 on Wednesday and 1 on Friday. Wish me luck and semd some prayers my way, pretty please.
Hmm, what else? My birthday is 2 weeks from tomorrow! Wow. 23. I feel really old, even though I know 23 is young, but that means I've been out of high school for 5 years!!! WOW. Seems like just yesterday I was a senior counting down the days until graduation. *sigh*
More later...
by Holly at 11:26 AM 1 comments