I'm totally rockin' it this afternoon. I've got Fergie blaring through the house while I'm making lunch, Cowboy Spaghetti (courtesy of Rachael Ray, my idol!) and posting this blog while I'm waiting for the pasta to boil. What a multi-tasker!
I went out for ice cream with Jessica and Chris last night. We LOVE ColdStone! (Peanut Butter Cup Perfection = heavenly!) Then we went to the casino, at one point I was up $21.00! However, the green moster of greediness took over and I lost it all.
I'll post a few pictures later this afternoon of my cute new phone. But for now, enjoy one of my favorite recipes, Cowboy Spaghetti!
Cowboy Spaghetti
1 pound spaghetti
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1 turn of the pan
3 slices smoky bacon, chopped
1 pound ground sirloin
1 medium onion, chopped
3 to 4 cloves garlic, chopped
Ground black pepper
2 teaspoons hot sauce, eyeball it
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, eyeball it
1/2 cup beer
1 (14-ounce) can, chopped or crushed fire roasted tomatoes
1 (8-ounces) can, tomato sauce
8 ounces sharp Cheddar
4 scallions, chopped
Heat a pot of water to a boil. Add spaghetti and salt the water. Cook to al dente or with a bite to it. Heat a deep skillet over medium-high heat. Add extra-virgin olive oil and bacon. Brown and crisp bacon, 5 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon. Drain off a little excess fat if necessary. Leave just enough to coat the bottom of the skillet. Add beef and crumble it as it browns, 3 to 4 minutes. Add onions, garlic and stir into meat. Season the meat with salt and pepper, hot sauce and Worcestershire. Add 1/2 cup beer and deglaze the pan. Cook 5 to 6 minutes more then stir in tomatoes and tomato sauce. Add hot spaghetti to meat and sauce and combine. Adjust seasonings and serve up pasta in shallow bowls. Grate some cheese over the pasta and sprinkle with scallions. Garnish with crisp bacon
'Cause I Wanna Be A Cowboy Baby
by Holly at 12:31 PM 1 comments
A Mom's Overture
I saw this on Kim Kwan's blog and loved it, so I had to share! Too funny!
by Holly at 7:17 PM 0 comments
As promised, here are pictures from my latest "treasure hunt". I think this was my most successful treasure hunt ever. I found so much good stuff!
Old BINGO cards, an old photo of a pretty lady, a postcard, vintage 'Get Well Soon' and 'Thank You' cards, mini glass Christmas bulbs, The Old Woman in a Shoe ad. I got a box of old cards, and look at this amazing book, "A Yankee's Advernure in South Africa". I'm madly in love with the book cover. SO cool. We looked inside and it was published in 1897. Sweet!
Possibly my most favorite find of the day....vintage paper dolls! Aren't they cute? I already know what I'm going to do with them! I think the one in the green is my favorite, followed by the one in the pink. I just love her facial expression!
More of my paper doll friends....
The entire paper doll family.
I finally have a weekend off where I'm doing nothing! I suppose I'll take full advantage of it and make some stuff. It's been forever since I've had time to scrapbook. I've got 3 bags full of scrappin' goodies and treats that I haven't even put away yet. Hopefully, I'll have time to get some stuff done this weekend.
I'm also waiting on a few things to get here that I ordered online. I ordered a bag of Etsy and it's SO pretty. I'm hoping it arrives today! Also, I accidentally washed my cell phone in my pants pocket, so I've been without a cell phone since Tuesday. (Yea, it sucks big time) We ordered a new one on Wednesday and with $20 in shipping, it better get here soon. Goodbye my amazing Red Razr!! It's only been 3 days since you "died" but I miss you more and more each day. *sigh*
by Holly at 9:04 AM 4 comments
My Treasures....
I went "junkin" today and I got some wonderful treasures....I'll post pictures of it all later tonight after Grey's Anatomy!
See you then!
by Holly at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Holly's Favorite Things...
Kinda like Oprah's Favorite Things, but waaaayyyy cooler.
I went through and posted all of my favorite blogs in the "The Places I Go" section.
Check them out. Lots of fun, inspiring women!
by Holly at 8:56 PM 0 comments
One more thing....
I almost forgot!
Thank you Suzi Finer for adding me to your favorites! I love your blog, it's a-dor-a-ble!!! http://www.suzifiner.typepad.com/
Check out the post from 09.25.07...I especially love the "sinister web of death". Oh Miss Suzi, you are one funny girl.
by Holly at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Live from Norman (part 2)
Good morning from Dale Hall in Norman. It's so lovely outside today, high of 79 and it's perfect autumn weather outside right now. I'm completely loving it. I'm ready to break out my amazing sweater collection. I have tons of sweaters and, in my opinion, they're the best thing about cooler weather....well....it's a tie between sweaters and hot chocolate. mmmm!
I had to get a little bit of revenge (it's so sweet) for Josh hitting that bird on Sunday afternoon. So, after class on Monday I ran to Michaels and got one of those floral birds you can use in wreaths and stuff. I also got some feathers on a stick and I put them under Josh's windshield wiper. He was totally shocked that I would actually do that to him (technically Kim thought it up though). After the bird removal, we headed out to Weatherford. If you've ever been there, it's pretty much in the middle of nowhere and there are about a million (okay, not quite a million) wind energy things. There are gigantic. Seriously....you have no idea how big they are until you get right by one. The blades are as long as 5 suburbans! I'm not going to lie, being right next to them is SO scary.
Last night we watched Josh's nieces and naphew. (From left: Lindsey(5), Brendan(3) and Lauren(7)). They are hilarious and they were all over me. Too cute. Lindsey and Lauren had dance class last night, and Brendan just hung out with us and played the Nintendo Wii. They are so funny, Josh and I were taking them back to their house and the coversations went something like this...
Lindsey: Unlce Josh?
Josh: What?
Lindsey: Are you married?
Josh: No.
Lindsey: Holly?
Me: What Lindsey?
Lindsey: Are you married?
Me: Nope.
Lindsey: {in an excited voice} Oh my gosh! You can marry each other.
Josh: Oh really?
Lindsey: Yes! (laughter) Then we can have Holly be our uncle too!
Me: Your Uncle?
Lauren: No! She'd be our Aunt, Lindsey. Uncle Josh? Can Holly be our Aunt?
Then Brendan started singing....
Brendan: I love you. You love me. I love you. You love me. I love you. You love me.
Lindsey: How do you know that I love you?
We took the kids back to their house and Josh's sister put them to bed, then the 3 of us sat and talked for a while. His sister is SO cool. We're going to be good friends, I can feel it already. We both love 80's music, we both make fun of Josh, she is a teacher and I'm going to be a teacher, and we both love Crocs.
Alright, I have a test here soon so I should get off here and start studying for it.
by Holly at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Live from Norman Oklahoma....
Hello there! Today is your lucky day...I'm blogging from school!!! (how sweet is that?!?) I'm sitting Dale Hall between classes and I relaized that I haven't blogged in over a week. I'm a terrible person, I know. Please forgive me. So, let's see here....
Josh and I have been spending SO much time together this past week. His parents have been out of town so we've been cooking dinner, watching movies, walking his dog and "playing house". Such fun. I met his sister, brother in law, nieces and nephew yesterday at his niece's soccer game. They are darling and I love them all. I can totally see me and his sister getting close, she's a teacher too. His niece Lindsey is madly in love with me (that's what his sister told him anyway). Apparently she talked about me all afternoon and said that "we're best friends now". Ha ha! Too cute. Josh and I are taking them to dance class on Tuesday. I can't wait to see them again.
Guess what happened on our way to the soccer game? We're getting on the interstate and a bird flew right into our windshield. Can you believe that!?!? It left a streak and feathers stuck to the windshield and the bird went over the truck and was flopping around on the pavement (I'm assuming he didn't make it) I burst into tears and begged him to turn around to see if it was okay. Josh, on the other hand, was laughing so hard he was crying (jerk face!) I couldn't believe that he found that funny while I'm sitting next to him bawling my eyes out for that little bird. I was so upset that he was laughing....however he said he was laughing "becuase I couldn't believe that actually happened. Not becuase I was glad it hit the windshield." Uh huh....sure.
I have to meet with my study group this afternoon to study for a test we have on Wednesday. (boo, no fun!) and then Josh and I are going to Weatherford tonight to see his friends. Can I survive the Bizzell Library from 3:30-5:30?!?!?! Probably not. It's too quiet in there for me. I think we're leaving for Weatherford around 6-ish which is good since his friends have work until about that time. Josh said there's a Chinese place that has "the best Chinese food I've ever tasted" so I think we're going there tonight with a bunch of boys. Calling something the best chinese food ever is quite a big deal, and since I LOVE LOVE Chinese food I'm expecting big things from this place. Let's just hope he's right....
by Holly at 9:31 AM 2 comments
One tired girl...
Whew! I am one tired girl. I worked last night from 7p-7a and I have to be back at 7p tonight until 7a tomorrow. THEN, 10a-10p tomorrow night. Yup, that's right, I'll have a 3 hour "resting period". Seriously....is 3 hours even enough to rest on? I'm thinking not. But on a happier note, I get to work at The Paper Crown on Monday afternoon from 3-6, so come see me.
Alright, I'm fixing to head in....think happy thoughts for me and pray that I don't get any crazy patients tonight.
by Holly at 5:07 PM 3 comments
One more!
What was I thinking?!?! I left out a special girl with glasses! Ladies and Gentlemen.....meet
Kim Walker
by Holly at 11:25 PM 0 comments
If all the cool kids had glasses.....
Then wouldn't you want them too?
I just got back from Norman. I went to see a few friends and then tonight I made Josh heart shaped chocolate chip cookies. (he loved them, in case you were wondering)
Off to study for art history test. I'll be posting some more picture of my favorite people with glasses, so keep your eyes open for that.
by Holly at 11:08 PM 2 comments
Thanks for the sweet comments on the new blog design. I'm totally in love with it now. I want to spend all afternoon playing with flickr looking for new images, but alas, time will not allow that today.
I worked at the hospital last night. Lord! Some people really are that stupid. Geez! Words can't describe the stupid stuff I've seen. With that said, let me offer up a few tips of advice before you visit your local emergency room (trust me, you'll thank me later)
1. Stay in your bed. I really don't want to see you wandering the halls with your "best side" exposed.
2. If you press the call button, you better need something. "Just wanting to say hi" or "Just wanting to see how this thing works" is not an excuse and may result in me coming in there and breaking off your fingers.
3. You can not diagnose yourself no matter how many episodes of "Trauma: Life in the ER, Grey's Anatomy or E.R" you've seen.
4. You are not in the only person in the ER. News flash!!! There are people sicker than you are.
Alright, I have to head back to work at the hospital....6 more hours.
by Holly at 4:12 PM 1 comments
Like it?
What do you think? I decided to change things up a bit and re-do my blog. New colors, new picture. I, for one, love it.
So many little things going on right now....
I picked up extra shifts at The Paper Crown http://sistas7.typepad.com/ this week. Talk about inspiration! There's so much new stuff right now and it's all so pretty. My mind is spinning with ideas! (This could be dangerous!)
I got my goodies from Corrine for the 8 shades of Friendship swap and they are SO yummy! I can't wait to put them all together on the shade. Maybe we'll have a shade decorating party! Ooh la la!
The boyfriend and I are wonderful still. He said, "I love you" for the first time yesterday. Be still my heart. Quite possibly one of the most amazing experiences I've had in my life. So sweet, so genuine. Words just can't describe it. I love that boy.
How about the OU and Miami game? I'm wearing my crimson and cream and in 100% Sooner mode. Today is going to be a great day.
Alright, I'm off to do something creative. I have to get some rest though....I work at the hospital from 7p-7a tonight. Yikes!
by Holly at 12:09 PM 2 comments
So sweet.
Our newest picture. My mom saw me uploading this and said, "Aww. You two are so cute. He's a good lookin' guy."
I got to see him for a little bit last night before he went to work. He's such a blessing in my life. I'm SO lucky.
That's all....have a happy Sunday.
by Holly at 6:05 PM 1 comments
What not to wear....and a few other things...
Surely you've all seen that show on TLC, What Not To Wear, with Stacey and Clinton, right? Okay, well, I saw this and just had to capture it. (Let me just say that I felt extremely awkward taking a picture of some girls' backside, but for the sake of fashion, it had to be done). LOOK AT THIS! This is SO completely wrong. Can you say "muffin top"? Lordy! Tight jeans and a baby doll shirt is NOT cool.
This is the hallway in the Sarkeys Energy Building at OU. The rafters in the ceiling are exposed which gives this building a really cool feel. I'm liking it a lot. I think it might be my favorite building on campus.
Me and my friend Drew. This was right before our first test in Art History. Do you like our scared/excited picture.
by Holly at 11:14 AM 2 comments