My sister leaves tomorrow morning to go back to Wyoming. She's been here since Thursday and I'm so sad. Sure we have our moments when we want to strangle each other but this time was really nice and I'm sad to see her go. We spent all day together and it was de-lightful. :-)
We got jewelry from Swarovski at Penn Square Mall (she bought me some gorgeous rings) and then today we got our hair done, had lunch with our friend Nathan, and then made a trip to Norman to visit some people and see her house where she's going to live this year (it's kinda gross).
She's in her room packing right now....can't she just stay a bit longer?
Pretty please?
We've got each other and that's a lot...
by Holly at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Getting ready for my final...
I can't believe Friday is my last day of Mass Media and Politics! I love that class and I'm a bit sad to leave it. :-(
Remember my huge paper I was working on? I got it back.....95!!! Heck yes! I worked my booty off for that, and not only did I get a 95, but I got a happy face too! Even better! My final is Friday and Jeff and I are getting together tomorrow to study for it...should be interesting.
A few more pictures from around campus...
My classroom is right across from these green stairs. Who has green stairs? Love love love this wooden arch and those awesome doors.
Yay for vaulted ceilings and cool light fixtures!
Check out this awesome door!
by Holly at 8:05 PM 0 comments
So easy a Caveman/Texas Fan/Man could do it! new favorite thing to make is....chicken easy, so quick, so figure friendly and so yummy! Enjoy!
Chicken Teriyaki
1/4 cup Kraft Light Done Right Reduced Fat Italian Dressing
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into strips
1 1/3 cups water
1/4 cup teriyaki sauce
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
2 cups frozen broccoli (optional)
1 1/2 cups Minute White Rice
Heat dressing in a non-stick skillet on medium high heat. Add chicken, cook and stir for 5-7 minutes or until cooked through. Add water, teriyaki sauce and garlic powder, stir and bring to a boil. Stir in broccoli and rice; cover. Cook on low heat for minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork. Serve and Enjoy!
Try it and let me know what you think!
by Holly at 6:33 PM 1 comments
What a super star!
Yea, I'm quite the super star. Why you ask? Becuase I wrote a 10 page paper this weekend. It's not due until Friday, but I was in a non-procratinating mood this weekend. I seriously worked non-stop on it all day yesterday and I'm SO pleased with it. I'm bringing it to school today to give it to my professor to look over for errors and correct formatting. My BFF Kim gave it the once over (I love having a friend who is an English Ed major!) I have a little bit more to add to it, this week, but I'm so excited that the majority of it is done.
I've also got my job interview this afternoon....wish me luck.
Off to school....
by Holly at 9:42 AM 1 comments
I ventured out this morning and found some fantastic treasures! I drove up Western and hit some fun antique stores and then found a few estate sales. Lookie at what I found! LOTS of old sheet music, a 1956yearbook from Tulsa Central High School, a Farmer's Almanac from 1883, a home nursing book, a book full of old recepits and some paper doilies.
Check out this cool Almanac from 1969. There are LOTS of cool ads and stuff in there. See those green canisters? They're FULL of silver glass slitter....and they were a quarter each!
Lastly, this wire hot air balloon. It's about a foot tall and SO pretty. I'm going to change the ribbon on top to something prettier. It's got a hook on top so I can hang it. Even better!
by Holly at 2:44 PM 0 comments
All done!
I've been working on this little by little for months and it's finally done! This is a window I made for my Aunt Lauri and Uncle Jeff. I'm so happy with the way it turned out. Also, this is my Father's Day present. I took this picture before I added the final touches, a Dale Earnhardt die cast car on the bottom right in that extra space. He loved it, and I have to say, I'm quite fond of it myself.
by Holly at 9:57 PM 1 comments
Horray for Friday
Yay! Friday is tomorrow! *Does Friday happy dance* It's also my Mid-Term for my Mass Media and Politics class. I've been studying and I'm ready to go.
My case study is due next Friday. It's supposed to be between 10 and 15 pages (eek!), but I know I can do it. I'm writing my paper over the firing of the US attorneys since it's current news and there's stuff developing on it all the time.
I'm going to the college of education sometime soon to get advised and have my GPA adjusted.
I also have a job interview on Monday. It's at a hospital in the Human Resources office doing clerical stuff, filing, answering phones, etc. It's occasional part time....even better!
I'm going to finish my third window tonight! I made one during Kim Haynes class at the store and I made one for my friend Meaghan for her sister for Christmas. Now, I just need to use the staple gun to seal up this last one for my parents to take to my aunt and uncle in South Dakota. I'll post pictures of it soon! It's SO pretty.
The me and Matt thing isn't going to work out. We've come to that conclusion....decided we were better off as friends, and ya know what? I'm okay with that. Really.
So...things are going great. I'm content and happy with life right now. *grins* Things are good.
by Holly at 5:29 PM 1 comments
Mid-term time!
I have a mid-term on Friday. Am I ready? Somewhat. I've got one study guide done and I'm working on another as we speak....well....I'm taking a break right now, and then I'll finish it up.
I've also got a paper due next Friday. It's my case study and I'm doing it over the firing of the 8 US attorneys.
Matt and I went out on a date last night. We ate at Chelino's and then saw Knocked Up. We had a great time.
Okay, I need to get back to work now....toodles!
by Holly at 5:17 PM 0 comments
I *love* glitter
Just a few decorating things. Check out these glass glitter letters. Aren't they fun? They're about 6" tall and 4" wide. They were only $2.25! What a deal!
Along with the 2 H's , I got this W for our mantle. A picture of our mantle. The garland says, "WESTIN" in silver Twinkle Type letters and uses Anna Griffin paper. It's my favorite.
by Holly at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Another lazy Sunday. Gotta love those. Tonight is Wicked and I am SO excited. I've been waiting for it for weeks and singing along with the soundtrack.
by Holly at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Meaghan and I at Logan's.
This is Meghan's man, Doug.
Me and Matt. He has this habit of closing his eyes when the camera flashes, so he's trying his best to keep them opn, but he actually looks kinda scary there.
Me and my friend, Tyler.
Okay, so this isn't from last night, but it's one of my favorite pictures of me and Corrine. LOVE IT. She's the best.
by Holly at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Friday night review....
Good morning. It's 10:25 and I'm awake. This is truly an accomplishment considering I didn't get home until 3:45.
Norman was awesome. (duh!) I met Meaghan and Ruthy at Ruthy's house. Ruthy and her fiance, Sean, just bought this house and moved in last week. It's SO cute. She's got it decorated so cute inside. We went to Othellos and then over to Doug's to meet the boys. Doug has a bulldog named Lilly, who is the biggest producer of slobber EVER. (yuck!) We drank a beer, had a shot or two and then headed to Logan's. (In my, Matt, Meaghan and Ruthy and everyone else in Doug's truck). Logans was a blast as usual and we stayed there until 1:45-ish. Meaghan peaced out early and she and Doug took a walk.
Matt, Ruthy and I left shortly after that and we dropped Ruthy off at her house. Matt and I ran to Wal-Mart to find a birthday card for my 13 year old cousin, Beth. But most of the cards were little kid looking or they referenced, drinking, farts, boobs, butts or something else along those lines. On the other hand....maybe I'll make her a card.
We headed back to Doug's house just in time to witness a street screaming match between two of the people we were out drinking with. Luckily they patched things over and left soon after that.
Matt is awesome, still. He's probably one of the nicest guys I've met.....and yes, he kissed me again. *ooh la la*
Alright, that's it....I have more pictures which I'll post later today.
Norman: Part 2 TONIGHT!
by Holly at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Par-tay time
I'm going to Norman tonight....yee haw.
I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
by Holly at 5:28 PM 1 comments
Day 2
Day 2 of summer school. It was dandy, yes it was. I learned about how the New York Times leaks stoires which endanger our national security. Naughty naughty. Then, I met up with Tyler and bought his Human Geography book from him which will be cheaper than buying it from the bookstore in the fall.
I still have some reading to do for class tomorrow. I need to get two chapters read tonight and then hop in the bath before I go to bed. Since I don't leave my house until 10am, I've been staying up WAY too late.
Off to read Breaking The News. Toodles!
by Holly at 9:24 PM 1 comments
Holy Crap. I go to school here!?!?!
I can't believe I go to school here again. Today was GREAT. We watched a DVD about politics and the news and did a worksheet on it. Super easy. Just a few pictures from around campus.
The Stadium The Great Reading Room in the Library.
The Seed Sower.
My favorite picture of the library.
Can't wait to see what we learn about tomorrow....
by Holly at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Last night of freedom
Went to Norman last night with Meaghan. This was the bets night I've ever had in Norman. We started off at a birthday party for a friend of Ruthy's. Then Meaghan and I went with a bunch of guys to Logan's on campus corner. I swear, we didn't buy a drink all night. Those boys took care of us. I met this guy, Matt who is so fun. He's one of Ruthy's friends. Meaghan met up with Doug again too. We left Logan's and went to Tara and Ashley's house. They have this little tiny dog named Rex. He was SO darling. We were there for maybe an hour and then we went to Doug's to hang out.
Tyler, Meaghan and Me at Logan's Meaghan, Matt and Me. I obviously wasn't paying attention.
Me and Matt
Matt and Doug at Doug's house.
School starts tomorrow. I can't believe it!
by Holly at 1:13 PM 0 comments
A few new things...
Where did my pretty day go? It was so nice outside and now it's raining....yuck!
My mom and I went to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast today. I've never been there before and it was delightful. Get a spice good.
We went to the mall and shopped around for a bit. I got some super cute OU shirts and some pink and black Adidas sandals. They're so comfortable.
Waiting for the rain to sop. I'm cooking dinner tonight! I love to cook.
2 more days until SCHOOL!!!! BOOMER SOONER!
by Holly at 4:36 PM 0 comments