A day at the zoo! What fun we had! I love going to the zoo and seeing all the animals. It's one of my favorite places to go.
Flamingos...my second favorite bird! I want a meerkat. It's quite funny watching this little guy hop around.
I thought this little fellow was a statue until I saw him move. He stayed put while I took his picture though...what a trooper. Thanks little duck!
I don't know why, but this rhino was very intriguing. I watched him snoot around i the grass for a good 5 minutes. He has a funny walk and I love his "body armor".
This big guy was cheesing for the camera. He was still enough for me to get this shot of him and then he went over to a tree and "took care of business". Eew.
We had such a fun day. We're grilling out and then heading out to the Redhawks game tonight. I applied for 2 more jobs at OU today too. One in the Residence Life office and one in the Graduation office. Woo. So excite that school starts in 3 more days!!!
Fun times with my mom
by Holly at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Music, movies, scrappin....and a few things in between.
New favorite song....ya ready? Night Ranger's Sister Christian. Yes, folks, it's great.
Shrek the Third was a flop. Stick with 1 or 2, those are way better. No Fairy Godmother this time around. To be honest, I nodded off a few times. It only gets 4 stars out of 10. Save your money.
I'm getting so exicted for Silver Bella. Have I mentioned that my cousin lives in Omaha? Yes she does! I'm hoping to spend a bit of time with her....maybe lunch or something. I haven't seen her since last July when she got married.
I have to go off on a little rant here for a second....did you watch the Miss Universe pagent? How the people of Mexico were boo-ing Miss USA. TACKY and completely classless. GRR!
I have a job interview tomorrow morning with Mercy Physical Therapy. To be honest I don't even remember applying for this job, it's a receptionist position, I don't remember if it's part time or full time or anything like that. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
My mom has tomorrow and Friday off so we're going to do fun things. I think tomorrow we're going to go to the art museum or to the History Center. Yay! Maybe we can do both since they're close to each other downtown.
by Holly at 10:55 PM 0 comments
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Just a few pictures of our garden/flowers/outside area. ALL of our flowers are in bloom and they're just gorgeous. Calla Lillies
My mom and I have this "thing" for hydrangeas. (sp?) We love love them.
I think this is called a blood lily. It's sooo pretty. We found that one snake by this flower, so I'm a little hesitant to get too close.
My dad's shop and our storm shelter. My dad and his friend Paul built the flower bed around the shelter this past weekend and they did the path leading to the shelter. Next step is planting the things in the pots along the sidewalk.
We call this the "Grandpa" hydrangea. When my grandpa died in 1998, my mom's friend Misti gave her this plant. It was potted at the time. We planted it in our front entryway flower bed at our old house. (We moved here in May of '05) and we uprooted the grandpa plant and took him with us. The first summer after we moved it, it didn't produce ANY flowers. So, we thought it might be dead. But look at all the flowers this year!!! Just to show you exactly how big it is, on the upper right you can see my weenie dog, Susie. This plant is so much bigger than she is.
by Holly at 7:19 PM 0 comments
My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
This is what $196.57 looks like at OU. GEEZ! My ID is so cool. I bought this lanyard thing to put it in so I don't lose it. The top 3 books are for my June "Mass Media and Politics" class, it's my political science elective and I am SO excited about this class. The bottom two books are for my History 1865-present class in July.
I've done a bit of research on my professor for the Poly Sci class. He's David Boren's assistant. (Let's just hope this means he isn't a flaming liberal). I've started to read the books for this class. They're good and easy to read, which is a plus since there's three books for a 4 week class. I'm hoping that if I start reading now then I'll have a better grasp on the material. Since it's only a 4 week class, I can guarantee it's going to move very quickly. I'm a nerd and an over-achiever....I can't help it. Blame my mom.
I can't believe school starts in 5 days! Eek. I feel like a little kid on her first day of school....what will I wear? *ha ha* No, but seriously....what will I wear?
I checked the status of my application for the Geography department. All day it said "in progress" but when I checked 10 minutes ago, it said, "refered to hiring department" so hopefully that means that good things will be coming my way. I really want this job....bad. Especially since geography is a big part of a social studies education degree. I think I have like, 13 or 14 hours of geography for this major.
by Holly at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Am I more than you bargained for?
Good morning and Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone has a fun day of grilling out planned. You know, ribs, brisket, potato salad, deviled eggs, corn on the cobb, strawberry shortcake...yum! (Yes, I left out baked beans on purpose, I hate them).
I've got so much to do this week!!! I need to make a list. I'm one of those weird people that writes everything down. I have a planner too....yes, I'm a nerd, I know. But I stay organized and I'm always on time, so....there ya go.
Holly's To-Do List for 05.29-06.03
1. Get student ID made at OU. (Can you believe it costs $15 to get your ID made? I think the first one should be free and then if you ruin it you should have to pay for a replacement. Maybe I'll write David Boren a letter about that...)
2. Enroll in P SC 3443, Mass Media and Politics. I need a political science elective and this class is about the role mass media plays in politics, elections, and stuff like that. Anyone who truly knows me knows that I'm a Fox News Junkie. I also rarely listen to music on the radio, I'm a Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity girl, so this class should be really good.
3. Stop by the OU Bookstore and get books for Mass Media and Politcs and Sociology.
4. BINGO at The Vista with Meaghan, Ruthy and Laura! (I want to sit by an old lady)
And that's just Tuesday!!! Craziness!
I wonder if there's anything exciting happening around town today. My dad is working on the sidewalk from our house to the storm shelter. He dug this....walkway thing and now he's been filling it with sand and these old big stones. It'll look cool once it's done, but for right now, it's a big wet mess becuase of the rain. Speaking of rain, my mom checks the rain gauge religiously. Seriously, every time it rains she's out there checking it. So last night while they were at a party, I went outside and dumped some water in it. So, when she goes to check it she'll think there was a lot of rain. *ha ha* I'm so mean!
Alright, I need to take a shower and get prettied up for the day. Have a good one.
by Holly at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Boomer Sooner
The Big 12 baseball games were SO much fun. My dad and I had suite tickets to the Nebraska game. Nebraska played Texas A&M and beat their butts. *Go Huskers* I love their team uniforms, the red and white looks so pretty on that nice green field. Later that same day, Meaghan and I went to the OU game against Missouri. I was so happy I got this shot of the tem praying before the game.
OU's baseball team warming up.
Here we are! Our seats weren't that great, but once the game started we moved further down and into some better seats.
Attempting to look cool with our sunglasses on. Our original seats were right in the sun, it was SO hard to see.
That's pretty much it. My week has been uneventful. I applied for a job on campus in the Geography department answering phones, running errands, and delivering mail to the professors, etc. The pay is decent and it's on campus, so that makes it easy enough.
by Holly at 9:01 PM 0 comments
It was the Heat of the Moment....
Still listening to Asia...man, I love that song. You'll recognize it if you've seen The 40 Year Old Virgin. It's playing when he's riding his bike chasing her in the car.
The Great American Job Hunt continues....I applied for 3 more jobs today. Then I went with my dad to Norman. We made an appearance at the postal training center and then went to lunch. Fun times. They have this huge duck pond out front, I remember when I was little, I held the door open and Whitney got behind a little flock of ducks and chased them into the building. Only like a mommy duck and her two little babies actually came in. Once they were in the building we weren't too sure what to do with them. So, we went back to our dad's office and left the ducks in the hall. You could hear them quacking down the hall and we would spin in his office chairs and just laugh and laugh. *sigh* Good times.
Tomorrow my dad and I are going to the Big 12 baseball game to see Nebraska play Texas Tech. Let's just hope this year, I don't take a baseball to the face again.
by Holly at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Well I've never been to heaven, but I've been to Oklahoma...
Have I mentioned my undying love for 80's music? Well, not just 80's music, but old music in general. Some favorites are Kansas, Journey, Three Dog Night, Asia's "The Heat of the Moment", A-Ha "Take On Me". Have you heard that Three Dog Night song "Never Been to Spain"? Go to Youtube and listen to it. LOVE IT! Hanson sings a great cover of it too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlajKoLYhlo
I've been busy busy this weekend making some fantastic treasures!
I repositioned Meaghan's picture so I could do this cute quote. I love this paper! A page about a few things I currently love....glitter, flowers, cupcakes, family, friends, new car smell, The Paper Crown girls, nail polish, OU football, gothic architecture, etc.
This is my first time using the 11" letters are aren't they cute?!?! LOVE THEM!
This one is one I made last week, but I added the black swirls on to it.
I love this one of me and my mom. This is the first one I've done that's really just the two of us. It's very special to me, becuase it's just me and her.
by Holly at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Horray for Friday!
I'm SO glad it's Friday.
I'm ready for the weekend! Time to start hunting for a job this week. It's either the job or summer school. I'll be honest, I'm not really looking forward to summer school, since gas is like $3.20 a gallon....driving to Norman every day will get mighty expensive....
I'm working at The Crown this weekend. Crop tonight from 6-midnight and then all day tomorrow. I should get LOTS of good things made. I've got lots of pictures to work with from Whitney's party and from Norman with Meaghan and Ruthy last weekend. Plus pictures I took of Drew and Whitney. I need to make a few birthday cards too. Busy busy.
Alright....off to take a short nap before I go to work this evening. Bye!
by Holly at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Feeling Croppy?
Come see me tomorrow! I'll be working the crop from 6-midnight at the Paper Crown. If you can't make it to the crop, I'll be there all day Saturday from 10-5. Plenty of chnces to come see me and get your projects done.
I'm subbing my last day tomorrow! I'll be teaching English and Journalism at the high school and filling in for one of my most favorite teachers I had in high school. Should be lots of fun.
I'm in the mood to do some cooking tonight. However, my mom wants something with shrimp. Freakin yuck! So, maybe I'll make something with chicken for me. All I know is that I want to cook!!! I just need to find a fantastic recipe.
I stopped by The Crown to see Miss C today. (She's my most favorite) I tell ya, just visiting with her immediately puts me in a good mood. She's the best. SMOOCHES! *wink*
by Holly at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Look Ma!
I was feeling scrappy and made a few things....
They're not my best things ever, and I'm still working on the two with the Rhonna paper, but here'w what I've got so far.
This is of Whitney and Drew. I took these last night. I even convinced Drew to go to Hobby Lobby with me and he picked out these Superman stickers. My BFF Meaghan. This page isn't quite done yet, but I love the way it's looking right now.
The journaling says, "I love being Sisters with you". I think I need to put something on the bottom, this is a work in progress too.
This is my version of the cover of the CK magazine. I love inking the edges of paper and pictures now. It just makes them pop. LOVE it!
by Holly at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Pictures from Party Time
Some pictures from Whitney's Going Away Party on Friday night. Lots of people came out to tell the little turd goodbye.
David and Ryan graduated high school with Whitney. Sisters!
Me and James
Whitney, Marcy and Sam
by Holly at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Our Little Visitor...
As promised..... **Kim, the first one is somewhat safe, but you might not want to see the other two**
by Holly at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Once More...
My class went pretty good on Tuesday. I forgot that I haven't made a post about that. I had 3 ladies in my class, everyone did a great job.
I got back a while ago from taking Drew to the airport. Drew is the other Devon petroleum engineering intern from OU. He and Whitney are both going to Wyoming together. I *heart* Drew and I want them to fall in love this summer. (That's my prefect world scenerio, anyway.)
I'm so excited about Whitney's party tonight. It's going to be great.
Tonight is bunco night with the ladies from my mom's work. I'm jealous because I want to play, however they're up in Edmond.
Guess what I spent $47.26 on today? If you guessed "gas" ding ding ding You would be correct. Ohhhh, at times like this I loooove the fact that I drive an SUV. Can you hear my sarcasm? (Even though I really really do love my Equinox).
Ever since I are Bon Jovi on American Idol, I've been listening to him non stop (Well, I've been switching between him and the Wicked soundtrack). *sigh* He's gorgeous!
Things/People I love right now....
1. Glenn Beck - the man is pure genius. Listen to him from 8-11 on 1000KTOK. You'll be smarter, I guarantee it.
2. Strawberries - got some awesome strawberries a few days ago...SOOO good.
3. Sean Hannity - watch him debate with Al Sharpton. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilo393IsgUE This man is brilliant. LOVE HIM!
4. Bubble Bath!!!!
That's all I can think of right now.....
Happy Friday!
by Holly at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Defying Gravity
I'm loving the "Wicked" soundtrack. I've been listening to it non-stop. Seirously. It's the best!
Subbing today was dandy. I was covering a high school Spanish class. Everyone was good for the most part....I did have to put one kid in time out. *ha ha*
Whitney's going away party is tonight. I'm excited! Should be lots of fun!
I'm working at The Crown this weekend. Come see me! A little birdie told me there's lots of new goodies.
by Holly at 4:00 PM 1 comments
A few things....
So, I had my allergy test done today. I got 54 shots. I don't have the paper with me that says what all it is that I'm allergic to, I'll give you the brief version but they tested me for 54 things and I was allergic to 36 of the 54 things. Craziness.
I'm on my way out with Jessica. We're going to Pei Wei (yummy!) and then to the mall.
Talked to James last night...we're going out one night this week. HOLLA!
I'm subbing tomorrow for a history teacher! WOO HOO! It's actually an advanced placement history class, so that means that they'll be good kids! Heck yes!
I'm teaching my class at The Paper Crown tomorrow. Am I nervous? Yes. But I'm more excited than nervous, so it'll be all good.
We had a visitor this afternoon. Maggie is officially a SNAKE hunter. Yup, we had a snake. SO GROSS. It made my skin crawl. What kind of scrapbooker would I be if I didn't take pictures? They'll be up later tonight.
I'm getting so excited about seeing Wicked the musical. I've been listening to the soundtrack all afternoon. My favorite song is "Defying Gravity" and it's SO good. Listen to it if you get a chance. IT's my goal to know the words to every song so I can sing along when we see it.
Alright, I'm off.
by Holly at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Fun fun weekend
Cinco de Mayo was awesome. We started out at On The Border in the parking lot party, then moved to Ruthy's house. Meaghan met this super cute guy, Tyler. We left Ruthy's around 2:15 and then I went to James' house for a while.
I slept in today until 12:30, and pretty much did nothing. It was enjoyable.
I've got an appointment with the allergy doctor tomorrow morning at 8:30....not looking forward to that one bit. Although, I'm interested to see what they find out that I'm allergic to.
Off to bed...
by Holly at 10:12 PM 1 comments
Super Saturday!
I'm in a weird mood today. Maybe it's the weather....not sure exctly though.
Subbing yesterday was great. I got to see Ryan for a while. Hopefully something will happen on that front.
My dad got me these gorgeous picture frames. I'll take a picture of them and post them on here. They're SO cute.
The crop last night was so fun. What a great group of girls. I didn't get much accomplished but it was fun nonetheless. I'm getting super excited for Silver Bella. I'm so blessed to work with such wonderful women. I love love my job.
Monday I'm going to the allergy doctor to find out what's making me have these yucky allergic reactions. I get hives for no reason. I'm not sure if it's laundry soap, or a food or what, but these hives are horrible. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. I'm not looking forward to getting lots of shots, but I'm interested to find out what it is that's making me itch. I'll keep you updated...
I'm off to clean the house up before we pick my mom up at the airport.
Enjoy the day!
by Holly at 1:34 PM 1 comments
Finals are over! Thank goodness! I had a break between the madness today so I ran to the Crown to see the lovely Miss C and show off my Doodlebug house. (Which now has lace and ric rac!!!) It turned out pretty darn cute, so my sincere apologies to Doodlebug, your little houses ARE just wonderful and even though I had problems with the adhesive strips, its cuteness makes up for it.
My day was also graced with the presence of my BFF Kim. She came to see me while I was poking around at the Crown.
I'm subbing for my friend Ryan tomorrow. I'll be teaching band. I'm not really the band teaching type, but we'll see how that goes. They're middle schoolers and I've subbed for them numerous times, they're pretty much hit or miss behavior wise, sometimes they're great and well behaved and then other times I think they're possessed. Ryan is usually pretty good about taking care of the trouble makers for me and administers a verbal beating when they're naughty.
Survivor AND Grey's tonight. Grey's is 2 hours! Lucky lucky us!
I've been having problems with Facebook. It's been down all afternoon. I know I have messages on there, so if you've sent me something, I'm trying to get back to you!
I'm working the crop tomorrow night at The Paper Crown so if you're feeling croppy, come by and see me. 6-midnight. It will be fun, I PROMISE!!!
Off to make dinner, gotta take care of my dad while my mom is out of town....
by Holly at 5:12 PM 1 comments