I'm moving! Please visit me at my new blog, Making a House a Home!
See you there!
Moving Day
by Holly at 12:09 PM 0 comments
More changes at my place...
A few more changes going on at my house. See this beautiful quilt? It's a Christmas present from my mom. It wasn't quite done by Christmas, but it's done now and looking gorgeous on my bed. Planning on painting my walls soon. It wasn't a huge priority for me once I moved in, but now the more I look at pictures in magazines or see other people's houses - I want to paint mine. i'm thinking of a pale blue. It will really pop with my white trim I think.
Speaking of houses, my best friend Jessica bought a house and closed on it this last Friday. It's so fun seeing her get so excited about her house, and it reminds me of how much I love mine. The best part? We live 1/2 a mile from eachother. So excited! I love having her so close.
by Holly at 2:28 PM 1 comments
An entire month? Oh my! I'm sorry! Where has the time gone?
Work has been crazy as usual. This is my friend, and future partner, Drew. We had a little too much fun in WalMart one night...I had my first recruit this month. Since I got promoted to Sgt. I am now part of the Education department and train new employees. I teach them to drive, teach them the driving policy and geography of the OKC metro. I was super busy with her. It was definitely a learning experience and we almost died one. (seriously, no joke)
We also have a student on our truck. He's a BYU student and he is doing clinicals with us for 10 weeks. We're starting week #4 on Friday. Having a 3rd person on the truck has been different, it's not just me and Aran anymore. Things flow better with just me and Aran. We've been working together for almost a year and we have a routine down, so adding another person into the mix is taking some getting used to.
This was my Valentines display in my living room. Pretty, huh? I'm particularly loving the tissue paper flowers and the paper doilies.
by Holly at 1:18 PM 1 comments
Don't you love the new layout? I'm totally jonesing over it. Love love love.
Snow expected this week. So not looking forward to it. Awful.
by Holly at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Following the commercial break...
Stay tuned. Tomorrow, I'll be posting pictures of my Valentine's decor. It's mostly handmade stuff or other repurposed stuff I've had hanging around my casa. So excited to share it with you.
by Holly at 12:51 AM 0 comments
On a Side Note...
Working in Emergency Medicine we see and experience a lot of horriffic things. We file the feelings away and do what needs to be done to take care of our patients. Car wrecks, natural disasters, trauma, and taking care of the dying are all part of our daily routine. We do what we can to keep tabs on one another. Checking up after someone runs a particularly stressful call and just being there and listening to eachother.
We see families at their worst. We comfort the grieving families and explain that we did everything that was possible to save their loved ones......and then it happens to us. Then WE are the grieving family. At work we lost one of our own. This man was a kind and compassionate individual. He came to work every morning with an excellent attitude. We all have our deamons. most of us get through them by talking to a friend or co-worker. I'm saddened and upset that this individual felt like he was trapped and succumbed to his personal deamons. I'm sad that he felt like this was the only way out. Which inevitably begs the question, could I have been a better friend? Were there earlier cries for help? Were there signs?
While I know asking "what if's" are pointless at this point. I'm spending today reflecting. Reflecting on this man's life. Reflecting on my work family. Reflecting on the way we, as human beings, treat eachother.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family, but also with my co-workers that found him. Imagine going to a call expecting it to be a typical call, but finding your co-worker instead.
I hope his death serves as a lesson to us all. Hug your families tighter. Say a kind word and be available for those you work with who might be going through a rough time. You never, know, YOU could be a life saver.
by Holly at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Mantle Masterpiece
I found this mantle a month or so ago at my favorite antique store. I've had a love affair with this piece. Its price tag was a little on the high side. However, after multiple visits to the store this piece kept staring me down. I finally had to have it. I brought it home, bolted it to the stud in the wall and I was set! Now for the real challenge, how to decorate it!!?!?
I was on a mission to only use things I had around the house. Luckily I have a lot of cool treasures around here. I love these vintage windows. I have a whole stash of them! All shapes and sizes, different colors and finishes. The shutters were a $3 steal! the black lantern was an Ikea purchase. Add in a mish mosh of Mercury Glass, some pillar candle holders, a scalloped chalk board and a pretty H I made and you'll have........
the finished project!
by Holly at 11:16 PM 0 comments